This is the Message Centre for Natalie
Invitation to Natalie!
London Spring-Summer meet 2011- A79731967 Started conversation Mar 3, 2005
Plans are afoot for the Unoficial Summer meet, details are ::
Unofficial London Summer Meet 2005: A3739601
Atendee list: A3739719
Sign Up Thread: F2037787?thread=604315
As yet the date is not fixed, and a 'poll' for people to vote on prefered dates should be appearing at some point very* soon on the main meet page.
Invitation to Natalie!
Natalie Posted Mar 7, 2005
I'd love to (though I still have nightmares about the screaming toilets), thanks very much - I'll have a better idea for definite nearer the time though!
Invitation to Natalie!
London Spring-Summer meet 2011- A79731967 Posted Apr 6, 2005
Well, apparently the screaming toilets have gone; after a refurbishment so I've heard anyhow, they've turned it into a 'normal' pub, and reverted back to a old name it used to have, the 'old London' I believe or some such name
Nethertheless we will most probably still be using it as the venue, the staff have probably remained the same, which is good.
The date for the meet has been decided on, and it is to be on the 16th July.
Invitation to Natalie!
Natalie Posted Apr 6, 2005
Hooray! Though unhooray on the screaming - why didn't they realise what a valuable and much-loved feature that was?
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Invitation to Natalie!
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