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I'm back!
Posted Jul 27, 2006
Mauritania is back and this time he will be bad and moderately more mature.
For the past few years I have been searching the world for something to do but alas found nothing. So I decided to go to my roots and come back to h2g2 but for how long?
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Latest reply: Jul 27, 2006
My real identity
Posted Jul 16, 2003
My real name is Martin Griffiths, a born and breed geordie. I have allegances to the Labour party. I have a lovely girlfriend who I love and we eat coconut cake on every months anniversy. I am doing a few A-levels at the moment and an open university course. If you feel the above is sickning don't bother posting!
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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2003
Project: Save Angus Deayton
Posted Dec 6, 2002
Everybody should hereby know now that Angus Deayton has been sacked, there is a pettition created to support Angus Deayton, the pettition is at:, Share & Enjoy!!!
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Latest reply: Dec 6, 2002
The loveable Admiral Articuno
Posted Apr 23, 2002
Admiral Articuno a.k.a Fenchurch has joined us at the h2g2. Her discussions and heart warming suggestions will improve our knolwedge for years to come.
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Latest reply: Apr 23, 2002
Zeuson invation
Posted Mar 22, 2002
Taking control after peace, simple really
Phase 1: Ask NASA for trading rights.
Phase 2: Ask to establish embassy on Zeuson
Phase 3: Transfer a spy from Morgrath Alpha
Phase 4: Bribe the colonists into having a revoltion
Phase 5: Invade after the defense has been disassembled.
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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2002
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Researcher U190165
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."