This is the Message Centre for Colin the non-robotic

Greetings fellow non robot!

Post 1

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hello there Colin

Welcome to the wonderful world of h2g2! I am glad you found us - its great to see you here!

I should probably introduce myself, my name is LighthousegirlUK, but most people call me Light far less of a mouthfull, I am an ACE (assistant community editor) and we like to pop over and personally welcome people. We are here to help you in any way we can. You can find out more about the ACE scheme or the other aces by using this link Aces

If you have not already done so I can recommend checking out this link <./>Welcome</.>

There is lots to see and do here and The Post, our weekly newspaper, has a useful page of links that you can find here <./>A616718</.>

There are lots of ways you can join in round here - a good place to start is the contribute button which should be above if you background is white, or to the left if you have a blue background. Alternatively you could contribute to conversations by starting from the Talk button.

It can all seem a bit overwhelmingly large to start with but in those immortal words Don't Panic - if you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help. You can contact me by hitting (but not too hard please!) the reply button below or by visiting my space by clicking on my name above (this works for everyone all over the place). Hmm I think I said that already! I can highly recommend just following your instincts and seeing where you end up! Just jump on in and get your feet wet, the people here are friendly.

I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you around the community

Have fun exploring


smiley - smiley - try clicking on the face

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Greetings fellow non robot!

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