Journal Entries


Hey...almost end of the week. Almost time to finish the pigeon animation I've been working on. Almost time to get those stripey stockings so the pippy longstockings references are totally justified. Almost time for a catnap. Meow.

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Latest reply: Nov 25, 1999


 Sheesh, it's been ages since I've visited my home page. Way too busy for it lately. Working hard on the illustrations for the site and just generally busy having a life smiley - winkeye. I'm off to the Caribbean in a week and a half. Whay-hay! That's it for now. Gotta ask Jim how to delete journal entries. Next port of call...

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 1999

Aches and Pains 2

Dentist was little help. I'm concerned that it's a nerve that's firing off in my gum. Grrrrrrrr. Time to see a doctor? Hmph. My local doctor's a drunk. Grrrrrrrrr. Hmm.....internet research time.

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Latest reply: Jun 22, 1999

Aches and Pains

To be accurate...gum pain. Shocking electric pains at random in my gum. In a pain-fuelled panic I called the dentist today. Appointment tomorrow. It's the oddest dental pain I've experienced. Out of nowhere suddenly I will feel as though someone has stuck a live electric wire into my gum, and as suddenly it will go away, only to come back again at an unexpected moment. It's in the gum. Not in the tooth. Hope for some answers tomorrow. Also, I think I might (without wanting to sound like a hypochondriac) have a mild form of sleep apnea (?). I wake up some nights in a panic gasping for breath. Doesn't happen that often. I don't have any of the health problems they suggest cause it. But I still wake up desperately grasping for air. It's happened a few times in the last two or three months. Hopefully it's not sleep apnea. Hopefully it's something else, less serious. Hopefully it's going away, anyway.

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Latest reply: Jun 21, 1999

Sweet Nothings...

Hmmm...pondering over the nature of love. I haven't been on a date in 8 months. (Since splitting from a relationship of 7 years). I try not to see this as sad...I'zz just a fussy kinda gal. Am I being naiive in not looking or searching and just hoping that fate will take it's course, and guide me in the right direction? Am I being too tough on da outside and scaring potentials away? Hmmm...I won't think about it toooo much. Just a little thought here and there smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jun 17, 1999

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