This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 1

Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars

Good Morningsmiley - smiley
I was just looking to see who was online and I came across you so I thought I would say"Hi"how are you on this Saturday morningsmiley - hug

Your name was interesting and so was your pagesmiley - ok

Just chilling out before I get ready looking forwardd to a good weekend hope are going to have one too
smiley - biggrin
Here's a cup ofsmiley - coffeeorsmiley - teafor you to start the day
smiley - cheers

smiley - nurse
smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 2

Metal Messiah

hello to you too, just had a look at your page & I thought youd like my other name.I havent done an intro for it yet though.I'll have a nice weekend cause ive got a week off work now, YAY...smiley - smiley Hope you have a good one too.What rock & metal do you like? smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 3

Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars

glad you like my page my sis did it for me I have changed my nick name and might add more to my introsmiley - smiley
I like Led Zepplin,Guns'n'Roses,Deep Purple,Andrew.W.K.,Black Sabbath,Blur,Paul Weller just to name a few the list could go onsmiley - ok
how about yousmiley - smiley
just going to have a nice soak going to a party tonight and tomorrow going to watch a heavy metal band in Camden I do have to travel abit as I live in Essex.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Nice meeting you
smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 4

Metal Messiah

I like a lot of bands, someone once asked me to write a list & it took me 2hours to do it so here just a few......sabbath acdc metallica anthrax fnm pantera slayer disturbed skidrow mottley crue megadeth. I play keyboard & guitar, & I should be forming a band soon

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 5

Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars

yeah it would take me awhile to write them all down as there is so manysmiley - smiley
I was tosught the piano did belong to a marching band whenI lived up North and years ago did have some drumming lessons only as a hobby thoughsmiley - ok
Goodluck with your band do you write your own music and what type will you bet playing.
I bettersmiley - runfor now as I must get ready and go to the gym soon
smiley - smiley
smiley - nurse
smiley - angel

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 6

Metal Messiah

yes Iam writting my own songs.What Im hoping to do is rather than have an album thats the same sort of thing all the way through.Im writting different stuff for each song, so youve got for example 14 song ranging from rock to really heavy death metal.That way i figure we will reach a bigger audiance

Good Morning White Wizzard

Post 7

Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars

that does sound goodsmiley - ok
my work mates,mates band do sort of rock music.I have only seen them once are doing well and EMI are interested in them.
I said time they play I will go along as i can't remember much about their music LOL
smiley - ok
smiley - smiley

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