This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Nice Pad You Got

Post 1

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Are you going to make me a cuppa ? i have baked you a cake smiley - smiley

Nice Pad You Got

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

oooh visiters & I havent even cleaned up.Please take a seat, would u like sugar? smiley - smiley

Nice Pad You Got

Post 3

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Don`t worry about the mess sweetie smiley - smiley yes plz 1 sugar & while we wait for the kettle to boil you can give me one LOL smiley - winkeye

BOO Love Trish xx

Nice Pad You Got

Post 4

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Would you like a slice ov my smiley - cake then ? or some shop bought smiley - cheesecake ?

smiley - rose x

Nice Pad You Got

Post 5

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

lmco smiley - kiss here u go.Would like a tour of my house smiley - smiley

Nice Pad You Got

Post 6

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

I prefer homemade much nicer than stuff from the shopssmiley - smiley uv got an addy by the way smiley - kiss

Nice Pad You Got

Post 7

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Oh yeah plz hun,where we starting & can i use ur thingymajig plz ? smiley - smooch

Nice Pad You Got

Post 8

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Hey Wizzy smiley - rose

Do you mean a mail ? LOL ur losing me here hun,well you know it don`t take a lot eh smiley - winkeye
Heres ya smiley - cake then smiley - smiley
Good choice hun or you`d be wearin it smiley - winkeye LOL smiley - kiss

Nice Pad You Got

Post 9

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

err what sort of thingamjig? Well I can start at the bottom & work my way up or vice versa smiley - kiss

Nice Pad You Got

Post 10

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

yeah email _x_

Nice Pad You Got

Post 11

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Well Wizzy all depends on where ya thingymajig is or im gonna pmgs LOL smiley - kiss

Nice Pad You Got

Post 12

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Thought so smiley - smileysmiley - rosesmiley - hug

Nice Pad You Got

Post 13

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~


Nice Pad You Got

Post 14

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

I need the flippin toilet im burstin aaaarrrggghhhh wheres me tena lady LOL

Nice Pad You Got

Post 15

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Hey Wizzy Help Me
I really really need to smiley - run where is it ? smiley - winkeye
smiley - hug

Nice Pad You Got

Post 16

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

My digerydo needs the thingamjig aswellsmiley - smiley follow me

Nice Pad You Got

Post 17

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

Lead the way oh Wizzy one smiley - hug

Nice Pad You Got

Post 18

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

no peeking. ooooooooooooo.........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thats bettersmiley - smiley seeing as were up here we may aswell start in the bedroom as youve now seen the bathroomsmiley - winkeyesmiley - kisssmiley - smiley

Nice Pad You Got

Post 19

HoleHearted..But On The Mend Thanks To Friends ...Love u Guys n Gals xx

hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm u 1st then i will stand in the door lol
smiley - winkeye

Nice Pad You Got

Post 20


Oh Wonderful Wizzy One

Hows you tonite ? & plz tell me ur a man in shorts LOL

I have re-opened my journal hun

smiley - love Trish

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