This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Signs and Portents

Post 1

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hi White Wizard I'm Reefgirl fellow h2g2 wizard smiley - wizard, I have just read your personal space (I'm not usually that nosey) and I was wondering if you could help me, I'm a bit of an amatur writer and at the moment I am doing a fictional piece on the Apocolypse, I have plundered the Bible for signs and portents and was wondering if you have any knowlege of signs for the coming of the devil from any 'old' religions, like the Druids and Pagans etc.

smiley - love Reefgirl smiley - fullmoon

Signs and Portents

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Hi reef girl, well ive searched everywhere I can think of & found nothing your looking for.The only things I did find were inscriptions, but no symbols.... mmmmm strange.Sorry I couldnt be of more help.

Signs and Portents

Post 3

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

The inscriptions were wrote with ancient norse runes know as the elder futhark alphabet.

Signs and Portents

Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Thanks anyway, I finished the piece I was writing and used modern day events (WTC and War with Iraq) too 'spooky' it up but thank you anyway.

Reefgirl smiley - fullmoon

Signs and Portents

Post 5

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

just read the story on your home page.When are you going to finish it, I need to know what happens next.I read a lot of books but if they are good they only last about 3 days.Its costing me a bloody fortune!!!

Signs and Portents

Post 6

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Piece on my home page is a smiley - bleeptake of the jolly hockey-sticks stories Enid Blyton wrote I'll be able to finish it when we do find out who our prowler is at work (it's semi autobiographical), it's not the one I was writing when I wrote to you that was X Files FanFic, a little something we started on the XF messege board, do you have an Email address and I'll send it to you if you want.

smiley - love Reefgirl smiley - fullmoon

Signs and Portents

Post 7

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

thank usmiley - smiley my e is [email protected]

Signs and Portents

Post 8

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Winging it's way to you now.

smiley - love Reefgirl

Signs and Portents

Post 9

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Thanks for sending me the two files, but I cant open them.I just keep getting unsupported application.So much for ntl's state of the art set top box, Id proberly get more joy with a c16.Ah well thanks for sending them.Hugs & xxxxx's WW

Signs and Portents

Post 10

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Will try something elsesmiley - smiley

smiley - love Reefgirl

Signs and Portents

Post 11

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

I used to watch the xfiles, never missing an episode then when mulder left I lost interest with it.Have u ever thought of writting stories for the h2g2 post?smiley - smiley

Signs and Portents

Post 12

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

maybe I'll pass the episodes on from our Different Seasons on the XF Messege Board, Robert Patrick did really well taking over in the X Files Season 8, it got better towards the end honestsmiley - biggrin

smiley - love Reefgirl

Signs and Portents

Post 13

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Im just cleaning my tanks at the moment b4 santa comes & Ive got the house to myself, yipeeeee........ peace & quite.I just got your email sort of.I got a blank screen this timesmiley - sadface I'll trust your judgement & watch the rest of the xfiles. WW _x_

Signs and Portents

Post 14

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Is it you or me, I'll try a BBC Ecard

smiley - love Reefgirl

Signs and Portents

Post 15

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Well that workedsmiley - smiley hope you didnt do to much swearing.What can I say other than it was very good & Im impressed.Im going have try & get on that site to read the others.Im reading 3 new books now & I keep getting asked how can I 3 at a time? Maybe its because Im a wizard...hehe.... chat soon WW _x_

Signs and Portents

Post 16

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

um I think a lot of them have been deleated but try this site, I have the missing ones on file and I'll send them to you. BTW thank you for the Xmas card.

smiley - love Reefgirl

Signs and Portents

Post 17

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Signs and Portents

Post 18

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

No Probsmiley - biggrin

smiley - love Reefgirl

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