This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

CO-MAPP Message

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

To all members of CO-MAPP.

This message is being sent to all CO-MAPP members because of a major worry: Iyandes may be planning to leave h2g2.

I do not know exactly why, but I believe he feels that he cannot reach his full H2G2 potential. CO-MAPP is a big part of that.

As his friend I'm asking you, begging you smiley - grovel Please help me in convincing him otherwise! If you can think of anything that might help, and inter-group event, a CO-MAPP project, anything. Please send them to The Common Room at CO-MAPP (if it isn't there, it will be very soon).

Many thanks.

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