This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

How odd...

Post 1

Detective Armani

.....that the white wizard should be disciple #8 in the ministry of blacksmiley - blackcat

DD#9smiley - blackcat

How odd...

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Ever heard the term 'opposites attract' DD#8smiley - vampire

How odd...

Post 3

Detective Armani

Good point. How come you`re usingsmiley - vampireinstead ofsmiley - blackcat?

DD#9smiley - blackcat

How odd...

Post 4

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Im using webtv & dont have the angle brackets, so the I have to use short code & their isnt one for blackcatsmiley - vampire DD#8smiley - vampire

How odd...

Post 5

Detective Armani

I like the vamp onesmiley - blackcat

It`s so cutesmiley - blackcat

DD#9smiley - blackcat

How odd...

Post 6

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

same as the usersmiley - vampire dd#8smiley - vampire

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