This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Fancy a post at CO-MAPP?

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Hi there! Wargamer here!
I've been sent by Iyandes, Archchancellor of the College Of Magic And Psychic Powers (Ergo: CO-MAPP!) to ask if you would be interested in a position there. The college is still being constructed (of Wraithbone! That stuff's /pure/ psychic energy!) but we would like to build up the faculty. Intersted? I've put the link Below:

Fancy a post at CO-MAPP?

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Just been to have a look, but as its early days theres not a lot to look at.Anyway you can count me in, sounds like its gonna be goodsmiley - angel =^.^=

Fancy a post at CO-MAPP?

Post 3

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Im impressed with the picture of me.Has my mum been showing pictures againsmiley - angel

Fancy a post at CO-MAPP?

Post 4

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Wonderful! I'll sign you in... Ask Iyandes (U188926) about any positions that are available, should you want them (they're mostly faculty positions).

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