This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

So you

Post 1


Well wizzard or no wizzard??? that is the question!!

I being a very mortal witch. been around in this sector for almost 21 years but i started on this planet well over 4000 years ago cant remember much further back. so what else do you do with yourself bar being all round wonderfull??

So you

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Greeting sister, how are you on this fine day? To satisfy your thoughts I will answer your questions.Yes Iam a wizard & as well as the obvious I listen to music a lot, I used to be a dj about 8yrs ago.I like to draw, play pool, karting, astronomy, history, chemistry, physics, electronics, mechanics, reading.I used do rock climbing & absailing.I have two cats (garfield & storm) & two fish tanks one with my daughters goldfish & the other has 45 tropical fish.Speak to you soon WW smiley - coolI

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