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Post 1


Study hall is obviously as boring as some of my lectures. I quite often sit with a blank piece of A4 and just scribble down all those random thoughts. Reading yours made me giggle. Just one question: what is study hall?


Post 2


I, Gaian, transcribed his random, thoughts. Study Hall is a waste of an Hour and a Half. The goal is: if you're there for an hour and a half, and wwork is being done, then the school can count it as instruction time.



Post 3


Aha! I'm with you now. We have lecturers that give us directed study so they don't have to teach us but they can sign to say we have been given the required hours of theory.


Post 4


what is A4?


Post 5


With regards to what? Paper?


Post 6


Yes, to paper.


Post 7


It's the size of paper that is usually used for essay writing, etc. When you go to a shop a buy a pad of writing paper that fits in a ring binder folder, that's A4. smiley - smiley It's far more interesting to write scribbled random thoughts than essays though.


Post 8

Researcher Marj

Deakie have found you on line at last you welcomed me when new I haven't spoken to you since. Wasn't it you wroye about Dover Castle. I maybe mistaken anyway a bit late but Hi nice to meet you Marjsmiley - smileysmiley - winkeye


Post 9


Hello again smiley - smiley That's right, you commented on my scribbles about Dover Castle and I came over to your space to say hello. The scribbles were included in the collaberative entry on English castles. How are you?


Post 10

Researcher Marj

Deakie I tried to reply to this before but got cut off from my server. Sorry about that. I am fairly well but enduring several unpleasant tests. Most have been O.K. But I am awaiting a thyroid nuclear scan result, meanwhile I have been put onto tablets and am beginning to feel more human. i hope you are well . I did love Dover that is why I wrote myself, and that poem. Such happy memories for me the birthplace of my Father.I have written several articles about him but not allowed on here to say where. Cheers Marj

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