Journal Entries
Posted Apr 26, 2002
I am in an increadible mood right now! Im not sure why but hey what ever works eh?
My marks are all over eighty.
I don`t have to work tonight.
I have a rugby tourny all day tomarrow and no homework!
Hmmm...That could be it!
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Latest reply: Apr 26, 2002
I`m sick
Posted Apr 5, 2002
Today I am sick, I still went to school though (big mistake) but i skipped rugby and I am now feeling increadably guilty. I am also seeing things or hearing things or both. Please excuse my spelling there is a black spot blacking my computer screen.
I have a therory that everyone enjoys complaining. I know I do. I think Marvin enjoys it to much, therefore he is not unhappy but very happy indeed. The chip in his head i think lets him be happy only when he is completely miserable. Hence he is always depressed whilst he is happy. Poor guy, someone screwed up there.
Oh yes, Hello Miss Devine. Pleased to make your aquaintance on this fine day.
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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2002
Posted Mar 28, 2002
Hey All,
Today was a crazy day! (well all days are crazy technically) I woke up at 6. Left for school @ 7:30. Had an extremely long Easter Mass. and then shortened classes. Then at 2:30 I had a rugby practice untill 5:00. (And a canadian spring isn`t exactly "warm" or peticularily dry) In fact I got covered head to toe in mud. ( ) I love mud! I got a large (Rather attractive) bruise on my cheek and ripped up my lip! And I got Mud all in my Nails! horrid! I love the sport though. Then I went to work untill 9:00 (the exciting world as a cashier for a drug mart) and then to my aunts to baby-sit my twin cousins! Now Im off to listen to the Beatles and read a little D.A.
Well not exactly crazy but busy.
Don`t for get in an infinite Universe everything is possible at anytime!
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Latest reply: Mar 28, 2002
American money.
Posted Mar 20, 2002
I was workining at my till at work today and I thoguht. "What would I do without coloured money." Truly, what do Americans do? All green money. I dont even have to look at the text of the notes to see what its worth is. I would not be able to work ing the states because I`ll mess up the hundreds with ones and vice versa.
Does British Currency all different colours or is it one colour... I`ll have to check on that.
I dream of living in the UK anywhere in the UK.
I have this love for britsh guys, they all make my knees wiggle. No matter what they look like or act like. Hmmm Im gunna die when I get there. Last year some british exchange students came for half a year and I almost fainted.
I can just see it now... I`ll be prancing around the streets of London randomly grabbing guys by the arm and swinging them around kissing them and going on my way.
I could go their now if I want. But not, now its not the time yet.
I think Arthur Dent would be a great guy to date (I'm jealous of Fenchurch) Do guys like that really exsist. (Drunken guys that walk around in in their housecoats yes I guess are out there, but cute shy personalities of guys that travel the universe in quest of the answer to life the universe and everything maybe not...)
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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2002
Elle, ACE, Devout Thingite, Keeper of the Secret Agent Man and the Pursuasive Lips that Steals his secrets.
Researcher U189558
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