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TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Started conversation Feb 27, 2002
I can't believe that I missed your birthday.
If only I could send a .wav or something throught the thread I would have personally played you Happy Birthday in the genre of your choice (disco, thrash funk, James Brown, Manchester pop, early '90s speed metal, Goa trance, anything really)
In any case, I hope that you had a great birthday, and here are some pressies.
(where did the sheep and the rabbit come from?...)
F-Reek Out
Jennie_R Posted Feb 28, 2002
Awwww thanks for my pressies I especially like the
I've always wanted one
Don't worry about forgetting, I tried to forget it as well
When's your birthday??
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Feb 28, 2002
Same Day every year...
Don't you just HATE it when people make inane comments like that.
My birthday is on the 23rd of July, and I was born pretty much when man was first walking on the moon.
So why do you try to forget?
Jennie_R Posted Feb 28, 2002
So you were born in 1969??
I try to forget my B-Day because i hate getting older
and on my Birthday i reached a horrible age (i was born in 1976, so you do the math)
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Mar 1, 2002
I've got a few years on you my friend. Nothing wrong with 26. You got the year 100% correct, which means that I'm pushing 33. I got pretty down when I hit 30, but now I'm not so worried because life is going pretty well. It seems that we always spend so much time wishing that we were different to what we were.
When I was 15 I wanted to be 21, and when I was 21 I wanted to be 25, and then I was going WHOA!, slow down, I want to be 21 again, and now I'm 33 and I have found some grey hairs. Anyway, that's enough about me, so what did you get for your birthday?
Jennie_R Posted Mar 2, 2002
I guess 26 isn't that bad, but it's just that awkward age where your'e only 4 years away from the big 30 And people expect you to have completely grown up and be all responsible
but in your heart you still feel like a teenager! It's not good
I got some cool s though, my friend booked us a trip to Belgium, just a short break to get out of London
I also got a Lava Lamp, Money, Cd's etc...
All in all it was a good day, i had lots of and we went to a really tacky 80's club, but it was F.U.N
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Mar 3, 2002
A really tacky 80's club sounds so cool. I am at this very moment grooving to a Pseudo Echo CD I picked up for $5 (probably about 15p Sterling with how crap the Aussie Dollar is going at the moment).
I totally get the whole 'you've got to be a responsible adult' vibe. I personally reject it and act like a clown. So I order you to do the same. Some people think grown up is boring but I think it's better because you can think of far better excuses for being stupid.
I'm glad you had a good day.
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Mar 3, 2002
P.S. In case you didn't know, Pseudo Echo was Australia's answer to Duran Duran in the 80's, and were famous for a badly covered version of 'Funky Town'.
Jennie_R Posted Mar 4, 2002
I'm glad you clarified who Pseudo Echo were/are? because i thought maybe you were talking about Echo and the Bunnymen And theyr'e cool
15p for a cd is excellent you can't even buy a decent chocolate bar here for that price
I dont think i'll ever really grow up! my age will keep increasing, but in my heart i'll still be a snotty kid Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times when i have to be all sensible and grown up, but i like being silly and having fun
(sad isn't it!?!)
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Mar 4, 2002
Not sad at all. I'm a financial adviser, and most of the time at work I'm doing stuff with old millionaires, and I have to be really stiff, which is why I'm a bigger stupidhead out of work. I think it would be a bad thing to lose our sense of the ridiculous.
I was only partially kidding about the 15p reference. Our Aussie money isn't doing too well against English money at the moment..
Never lose your inner child.
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- 1: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Feb 27, 2002)
- 2: Jennie_R (Feb 28, 2002)
- 3: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Feb 28, 2002)
- 4: Jennie_R (Feb 28, 2002)
- 5: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Mar 1, 2002)
- 6: Jennie_R (Mar 2, 2002)
- 7: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Mar 3, 2002)
- 8: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Mar 3, 2002)
- 9: Jennie_R (Mar 4, 2002)
- 10: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Mar 4, 2002)
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