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Hola Churro

Post 1

Mr B

Spain huh? Well I'm thinking of writing a few things about Spain as well. Mostly about the completely different attitude to life that the Spainsh have. I'm going to live in Madrid next year and to be honest, can't wait! Also the fact that there aren't nearly enough Pincho Bars in the world. Why do you have an interest in Spain - just curious - anyway, welcome to H2G2. Look forward to reading your posts.

Mr B.

Hola Mr B

Post 2


Funny you should say that. I'm off to Barcelona in April for a month and then plan to spend at least a year living and working in Spain. No idea where yet, and have a completely open mind on that one. I, too, would like to contribute some ideas on the Spanish way of life. I'm particularly keen to explore the remarkable preservation of traditional culture that exists but also to enjoy what modern Spain has to offer and compare with here. So far it's just been holidays. Tell me more about your decision to move to Madrid when you get the time.


Hola Mr B

Post 3

Mr B

Well, my girlfriend is a Doctor in Madrid. Actually that's not quite true as she is living with me here in Oxford and doing some research here for a year or so. we have decided that after she finishes her research we will just up and go back to Madrid permanently. I have never spent more than a couple of weeks at a time in Spain, and certainly no more than a day with her VERY frightning parents but I suppose it will be a bit of an adventure. To be honest I would far prefer to live in Barcelona (My favourite city in the world). I take it you've been before? If not you will definately love it. There is something therer for everyone. The beach, the nightlife, the restaurants, beautiful scenery I could go on. but won't. In any case I think whereever you go in Spain, people really know how to enjoy themseleves. They really never put time limits on anything as far a socialising goes. It's not just Bars staying open until 7am - Eating a meal is to be really enjoyed and can therefore take a good 3-4 hours to eat. And as for siestas......they should be a legal requirement!

What do you plan to do when you get to spain (and what do you do now?)

Hola Mr B

Post 4


I agree with all you say and I know what you mean about Barcelona, but for a full-on Spanish experience I think you've chosen well. Madrid is the place for "la marcha", I've been told, and you've got all that amazing Castilian history surrounding you - Salamanca, Toledo, Avila, Segovia, Arevalo, the meseta.
I'm doing a four-week intensive teacher training course at International House in Barcelona with my partner, and then we've got to find a job and somewhere to live asap! Bit scary, but really excited about it right now.

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