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Did someone mention whisky?
Whisky Started conversation Feb 8, 2002
Hi there, welcome to the most addictive site on the web, firstly the most important question, what's your favourite whisky, secondly, have a look at A602939 you might be interested. I'm planning to extend it into a distillery by distillery guide to Scotland one day.
(I don't like using the smiley, it looks like they've put ice in it
Did someone mention whisky?
dd Posted Feb 9, 2002
Right -- I have read the page pointed to -- excellent.
Springbank (if you can find a bottle)
Dallas Dhu (alas no more)
Port Ellen (also closed down)
Glenfarclas (but only the 30-year-old, for expensive tastes)
Mortlach (apparently Winston Churchill's favourite tipple!)
Anything at all bottled by Adelphi (except their Irish whiskies)
Port Ellen
Ben Nevis
Glenmorangie (not 10 yo)
Dallas Dhu
Are you a member of the Scotch Malt Whisky Society?
Did someone mention whisky?
Whisky Posted Feb 11, 2002
No, I'm not a member, just someone who got into whisky because he started working behind a bar which sold a dozen or so single malts and knew nothing about them. So decided to learn (and ended up owning a restaurant with over 140 different malts behind the bar)
(Ok, I know, there aren't 140 different malts, but I was counting the number of bottlings, I think at one moment I was selling 6 different versions of The Macallan)
You actually caught me out on one of your favourites though:
Is that a mistyped Glenallachie or is it one I haven't heard of
Did someone mention whisky?
dd Posted Feb 12, 2002
My spelling.
Other favourites:-
St. Magdalene (v. difficult to get hold of).
Did someone mention whisky?
Whisky Posted Feb 12, 2002
I think United Distilleries did a cask strength bottling of St. Magdelene a while ago (part of their 'Rare Malts' range) but the only time I've ever seen it was a bottling by Adelphi, but it was commercialised under the other distillery name - Linlithgow... If you ever get the chance to taste anything bottled by Adelphi, whatever you do, don't miss the opportunity, I haven't found one single bottle of theirs that I didn't think was excellent (Mind you, they only bottle about 20 barrels a year)
Did someone mention whisky?
dd Posted Feb 12, 2002
Just found the Adelphi website. I will perhaps try them rather than the SMWS.
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Did someone mention whisky?
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