This is the Message Centre for Rising Tide

The man...

Post 1

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

...hasn't a fecking clue, does he?

You know what? He's so into his own notion of bogus polymathery that I really don't think he can comprehend how ignorant he is and how offensive he's being. I really don't. It's possibly more pitiable than anything.

The phrase is 'Up his own arse.'

The man...

Post 2

Rising Tide

Yes, you are right. I spent a stupid amount of time in the bath thinking about this. It's all word association, isn't it, with no actual (ha) engagement, thought or meaning. Just reflexes. No malice though, just impenetrable stupidity.

I was unsettled by this the other day:

The use of the word "masquerading" in the first one. But the entire collection's unsettling.


The man...

Post 3

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Well...maybe not offensive. More frustrating. Commenting on topics he doesn't have the knowledge or experiential background to speak meaningfully about. He doesn't even realise just how little he understands.

The man...

Post 4

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

(that was meant for he other thread. re-posting)

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