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Guten Tag

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

Saw your bit in the supermarket thread about German supermarkets... you should have tried living here 20 years ago...
smiley - smiley

Guten Tag

Post 2


I'm trying to imagine what it was like then...shudder... although I'm far too young to imagine that smiley - tongueout

Well, the shops are slowly catching up! I promise promise promise to find the article I mentioned about Walmart. It was right on the button.

I've got a year's contract out here (nearly at the end of it smiley - sadface), and to be honest it's one of very very few things that have p****d me off while living here. Everything else is brilliant! That's probably why I do frantic shopping any time I go over to France or Britain... mmmm... salt & vinegar crisps...

Sorry I didn't notice this message earlier - do forgive me!


Guten Tag

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

salt and vinegar --- bwaaaah!

Guten Tag

Post 4

Sho - employed again!

Salt'n'vinegar is just one of those "how British are you" tests. I don't know anyone else who likes them. Well, I actually don't know anyone who likes vinegar full stop.

Husey, don't worry about not seeing the message, I am well aware that (unlike me) some people actually have a... gasp!... life.

I wrote a bit in the Asda thread about my strawberry buying experience in Willich. Honestly, some days I wonder why I live here. Then I go to the in-laws in Middlesborough, and I know exactly why!

So, any chance of extending your year here?

Guten Tag

Post 5

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Ok, so I know now that I'm quite un-British smiley - smiley

Guten Tag

Post 6


All I need is a load of strong malt vinegar on my chips and I'm happy... but then I'm odd like that.

No chance of extending my stay in Germany, or indeed of coming back in the near future, which is a shame - especially with weather like today's (30degs!) I've got to go back and be a student for a while first smiley - sadface - but I'll be in Bath, so that makes up for it smiley - smiley

I'm probably going to be in other countries after that, then I'll eventually settle down. A bit. Maybe.

(Please forgive my overuse of smiley - smileys - I've only just learnt how to do them...)


Guten Tag

Post 7

Sho - employed again!

heh heh heh Bossel

I just did one of those online quizzs, I'm (apparently) 100% German!

Bath... lovely. Nice place. And the supermarkets stack their shelves at normal hours.

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