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Hx2 Started conversation Jan 21, 2002
I'm talking about University / College RAGs - I'd like to make an excellent, collaborative project under (possibly) the following sections:
What is RAG?
What do we do?
The image of RAG over the years
Why is it so successful?
The future
I'd love to see this made as a really good information centre, which is professional enough for our PR.
I intend to do a lot of the writing, but my experience only stems from one Rag - so help from others would be wonderful.
Also - does anybody else have the hazy recollection that there once was a (very accurate) page about Rag on a site similar to this?
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Jan 21, 2002
jo griaß di! [greetings from Bavaria]
I'd perhaps like to contribute here -- once I know what a RAG is meant to be. Any chance of getting an explanation?
Alas, you'll have to start a new thread here because the new internal software (due to be installed next Monday). Submitting something to the Collaborative Workshop (as well as other review places) will require that you first create an entry and then announce it on the review page in question. What I'm trying to get at... don't be embarrassed if this here thread gets thrown into the 'SinBin'. That's only because the new software *needs* an entry and its A-number.
Hx2 Posted Jan 22, 2002
No problem - thanks for the tip!
I shall rewrite this all, anyway, when I have more time.
by the way, RAG is (very basically) groups of students who go around making money for charities and raising awareness of them. Very nice people, really.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Jan 27, 2002
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'The Collaborative Writing Workshop' to 'Peer Review Sin Bin'.
This thread has been moved because it does not refer to an actual article.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Apr 4, 2014
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Welcome to the weird world of Husey'.
Back to User Page - no entry involved.
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