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I am interested in learning something about Plainsong, Gregorian Chant, Palestrina. Does anyone know of a web-site where I can find some information.

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2002

Emily Bronte

I am interested in the mysticism of Emily Bronte. The mysticism of anybody come to that. Definition of mysticism - to experience a direct communion of one's soul with something that transcends reason yet feels and knows. Well, anything really that transcends the intellect. I don't doubt that people experience this kind of thing but is that experience valid? Or is it an abberation, a misfunction in the brain? Are the electrons firing on two cylinders too many? That kind of thing. What do you think?

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Latest reply: Feb 20, 2002

The Queen

The Queen -God Save Her- On telly yesterday carrying out a public engagement. On telly to-day, carrying out a public engagement - For God's sake her sister just died. She isn't even buried yet!! Noblesse Oblige - yeah I'm all for it, sorts out the wheat from the chaff dunnit? But when you can't tell the difference between duty and normal human feelings, - except you think its ok if you wear black - then yeah I don't wonder any more why they think the monarchy is out of touch. It is out of touch, its out of touch with humanity.

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Latest reply: Feb 14, 2002

The Weakest Link

I don't watch a lot of tv but I do like, 'The Weakest Link,' BUT to-night's episode was an insult to British viewers. I turned it off after 10 minutes, something I have never done before. The American, so-called comedienes were totally unknown to anybody here. They didn't even try to play the game and, sad as it makes me seem, I found it really irritating. Part of the game's power is it's ability to suck you in. You know, you see someone answering loads of questions right and then the b******s who know f... all vote them off and take the dough, ugh it makes you sick, it makes you shout at the telly. Great, I'M a sad b*****d, BUT to-night's episode went beyond that, are you listening BBC- IT JUST WASN'T ENTERTAINING.

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Latest reply: Jan 11, 2002

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