Journal Entries

Life (and Death)

Seeing as this is a forum for writing, how about this. I wrote it while watching the funeral of Princess Diana on TV, with tears streaming down my face......

A Million Tears

A distant echo of a million tears of happiness and joy,
Replaced with tears of sadness and pain and sorrow,
The silent wish of a million minds,
The wish that time could turn back on itself
and change this tragic time.

A sea of faces filled with sadness and grief,
A sea of flowers placed in reverent belief,
And through the air like a prayer on wing,
The sounds of music as the choir sing,
Breathing its silent peace.

The soprano sang in Glorious Praise,
Of a precious life now passed on,
The pop star sang his gentle tribute,
to his friend now passed on,
With words of love and voice of composed compassion.

Millions of souls stood in silent vigil,
Words spoken in love and celebration,
for a life too soon extinguished,
A minute's silence seems like an hour,
The poor,
the rich,
the sick,
the People,
the People all broken hearted.

Every knee bent and every heart and mind lost
In the prayer of a silent amen,
and gentle

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Latest reply: Jan 4, 2002

Getting Slim

Boring? Maybe, but so close to the beginning of the year, I, like many others, I suspect, would like to do something about it. I have written my own set of diets, which worked for me in the past, so now I have to do it again, because I have put weight back on! Anyone want to offer any of their advice on this?......

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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2002

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