This is the Message Centre for Mediocredane | Keeper of Opposable Thumbs
Prizes! Yay!
Jerms Started conversation Jan 10, 2002
I just thought I'd drop by and see how you and your Mufflewhump are...
I like where you've put it!
Prizes! Yay!
Mediocredane | Keeper of Opposable Thumbs Posted Jan 11, 2002
In a place of honor. Maybe it's a dog biscuit. Or a box of them. Or a bag of them. Or, considering the rules, maybe a dog biscuit factory. Or a cat mulcher. md
Prizes! Yay!
Jerms Posted Jan 14, 2002
You're not really much of a cat person, are you?
Fair enough. My flatmate's cats recently infected my bedroom carpet with fleas. GGRRRRR!!
Prizes! Yay!
Mediocredane | Keeper of Opposable Thumbs Posted Jan 14, 2002
I am a member in good standing of the ACF. (Anti-Cat Federation). It is my sworn duty in character to hate cats. Read the induction rules at, especially towards the bottom, to get a drift of where we are coming from. Any cat lovers are welcome, who are those that will keep with the rules. MD
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Prizes! Yay!
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