This is the Message Centre for Cybercat


Post 41


That was quite good


Post 42

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Was it?
I never went to see it, the idea of re-writing history to fill cinema seats, seems like a bit of an insult to the real people who died trying to get that machine.
Sorry , that was quite heavy


Post 43


I agree
But how will we learn from the mistakes we made in the past by not seeing what we did


Post 44

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

True, Humans are by nature a warlike species. I'm sure that induviduals can learn the mistakes, but the Governments never will


Post 45


We have the same opinions


Post 46

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

That's because were ace


Post 47


You know it!smiley - biggrin


Post 48

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Hell yeah


Post 49




Post 50

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

I'm leaving work early again, 2pm, I've got to go to an exhibition at the museum, I promised a mate I would go with him....and now I really can't be bothered


Post 51


You have to keep pomises darling


Post 52


If you are going at 2 then I will say I love you and I will speak to you 2moro.
All my love


Post 53

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

I love you too babes, enjoy the rest of your day (if that's possible, I'm looking at the 29th of March to come up to Luton, is that okay?

All my love



Post 54


Perfect sweetheart
smiley - kisssmiley - hug
Take care
All my love


Post 55

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

This is my last message of the day, these are all for you

Take care

All my love



Post 56

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Top o’ the morning m’dear, how’s life?
For once I’ve woken up in a good mood and I intend to stay in one all through the day, (I may need your help with that one)

So here’s an early morning smiley - kiss to start the day with


Post 57


Heres yours
smiley - kiss
I`m great. I`m glad to hear you`re in a good mood.
And you`ve put your clothes back on-good


Post 58

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Who says I've got my clothes back on?


Post 59


*Giggles shyly
You`re rudesmiley - smiley


Post 60

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

There fully clothed

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