This is the Message Centre for Andy R.... East London, Guitar, Cider, Europe, Ponds, Usenet, China

Hello no longer a person :-)

Post 1


Frankie told me to come over and say Hi as I've been asking about you. Unfortunately I am far too tired to make any sense so I think I should go to bed very soon. smiley - yawn I'll be back just as soon as I can reopen my eyelids and stay at this computer without slumping over the keyboard smiley - smiley

Hello no longer a person :-)

Post 2

Andy R.... East London, Guitar, Cider, Europe, Ponds, Usenet, China

Hullo Deackie,

I would have replied straight away but this new conversation didn't pop up in my space for some reason. Maybe I unsubscribed from my own page or something daft like that.
Anyway, it's nice to have a visitor. So what have you and Frankie been talking about then?

Hello no longer a person :-)

Post 3


The conversation with Frankie went something along the lines of
d: I met your Dad at the meet
F: He's registered as a researcher if you want to say hello to him

So I thought I would pop by and find out more about you than that you are Frankie Roberto's Dad. I've brought smiley - ale with me smiley - smileysmiley - cheers

Hello no longer a person :-)

Post 4

Andy R.... East London, Guitar, Cider, Europe, Ponds, Usenet, China

Here I am, four weeks later and my status has been confirmed by the website address:

Hello no longer a person :-)

Post 5


smiley - ok I tried to follow the link but my window went all strange smiley - erm I'll have to try again another time. Can't work out how to get my window back to normal so I'll have to wait until I reboot the computer.

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