Journal Entries
Smiley Adoption
Posted Aug 6, 2002
I don't think I'll be allowed to ever have my own smiley, so I'm going to adopt a smiley. Whenever I want to I shall
Hmmm, sort of works. Oh well, I suppose it's better than nothing. Looks perfectly dreadfull if you ask me.
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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2002
Posted Dec 17, 2001
I just thought that you should know that I'm feeling depressed.
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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2001
More Depressing news
Posted Dec 17, 2001
I just found out that the is another sould called The Darkness ( He is a happy soul. This is very depressing news. I thought I was unique, and to find that a fellow soulmate is happy is very depressing indeed.
I just thought I would mention that I am the fifth horseman, but I don't even have a horse.
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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2001
How Dreadful
Posted Dec 17, 2001
You know the four horseman, Death, Pestilence, Famine, and War? Well I'm Darkness, the lonely sould who puts the lights out after the other four have gone off ... ACHOOO!!! ... galavanting around as they do.
I thought about a writing career ... ... but what's the point. With a cold this severe, I make the pages so damp that the pens just make holes in the paper. At the end of the day who would want to read a book almost entirley composed of snott. It's depressing.
If you need me to finish anyone off, you'll find me slumped under that lightswitch in the corner of the room.
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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2001
The Darkness
Researcher U188082
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