Journal Entries


That'll be it then. All getting cold again and nose back to grindstone. I love the autumn for its wonderful light and colours.

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Latest reply: Sep 24, 2002

Running up to summer

3/7/02 At the college where i work most students have finished. Summer is rolling upon us. Im looking forward to six weeks off as well. Cant say how much H2G2 ing i am going to do. Fed up about missing the summer party. Have a good one..

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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2002


smiley - bigeyesYo ho ho and Ahaarr me heartiessmiley - biggrin
pieces of eight and shiver me barnacles smiley - laugh
What a fine ole ship you have here !smiley - ok
Some definetely fine strapping crew smiley - grovel
an yer seem to know how to have fun smiley - cheers
smiley - cheerup How ca

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2001

Starting somewhere..

Worth having a starting entry just to get rid of the text...
Finding interesting things here, haven't joined any groups or all that yet, but im learning...

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Latest reply: Dec 4, 2001

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