This is the Message Centre for Sir John Luke, Jedi Knight, Keeper of the Black Stuff (no, not marmite), dark disciple #5

Snap! (Almost)

Post 1

John Luke

Welcome to hootoo, Sir John.

My online name is also John Luke but I haven't been called to Buck House to be bashed with a claymore, like what you have!

I was trying out the 'Advanced Search' and put in my own name, as one does, and you popped up. So I came over to teach the young usurper a lesson. But, having read some of your posts, I reckon we may be of a vintage.

smiley - peacedove

John Luke

Snap! (Almost)

Post 2

Sir John Luke, Jedi Knight, Keeper of the Black Stuff (no, not marmite), dark disciple #5

At least - 54 next week!

Snap! (Almost)

Post 3

John Luke

There is less than two years between us; I will be 56 next March.

I send you good wishes for your birthday; may you have many more of them. If you ever feel bad about getting older just remember that it's better than the alternative!

Will you be celebrating in a big way or perhaps a quiet dinner with the family? I go for the latter, myself.

smiley - peacedove

John Luke

Snap! (Almost)

Post 4

Sir John Luke, Jedi Knight, Keeper of the Black Stuff (no, not marmite), dark disciple #5

Thanks - just a quiet meal with my wife - the kids have flown the nest - one in Leeds and one in Dublin.

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