This is the Message Centre for ZikesMan

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Post 1

The Theory

hi. i am confused. that was a confusing inro for my little snail like mind. *sigh depressed like* i mean... if i had even an inkling what any of those BIG words meant, i would feel kinda, i dunno, 'important' or something. but as it is, i have no clue.

anyway i want to welcome you to h2g2. in general we are a "friendly" bunch of people who "usually" use uppercase when apropriate. i am too lazy, however, right now to try to hit the shift key every 5 seconds.


anyway, if you have any questions about h2g2, ask me and i will try to answer. but i am fairly new here too and may not know.



Post 2


I joined once before a long time ago, been about a year now, and slowly gravitated out of it, but recently read Starship Titanic and got back into the Guide and everything. Anyway, I appreciate the welcome (didn't get that last time) and hope to make a good page out of my little space.



Post 3


If you want an explanation of any of those words feel free to ask me, but it'd be easier to go to this section, it's where I got most of em smiley - winkeye


Post 4


If you want an explanation of any of those words feel free to ask me, but it'd be easier to go to, it's where I got most of em smiley - winkeye


Post 5

The Theory

hmmm... Starship Titanic... i had high expectations for that book, seeing Douglas Adams' name all over the cover. Unfortunately the dude who actually wrote it (Terry Whatshisname) was no where near as funny or spontanious.

But pay no attention to my opinion... if you enjoyed the book, great. you probably actually *understood* it or something (I still can't quite get over those words... man!)

anyway... i am just babbling... sorry (seem like I always apologize for that)



Post 6

The Theory

oh... thanks for the link... you posted them before I finnished writing my previous post... (cause I think too much what I am going to write and it takes forever)



Post 7


Hehe, know how you feel, I tend to ramble myself...
Anyway, hope to see you around smiley - smiley


Post 8

The Theory

yup... i should be signing off now myself... i dunno where you are in the world, but on the East Coast of America, it is about midnight. And sleep is usually a good idea.

see you round.


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