This is the Message Centre for ROCKPOOLS-N-AUTOTOOLS


Post 1


Hi I`m Cybercat
Thought I`d say Hi
How are you?
Do you remember the Dandy Highwayman song-I loved it.
smiley - smiley
*Humms the tune


Post 2


Hi there sorry i haven`t replied before now still feeling my way around the various threads..only just made friends with the smilies smiley - cuddle so finding my way round all the threads is a knightmare smiley - ghost (i said knightmare not spook..tut)
don`t know who you are but i will pop in to your space and have a nosey..if you was at my hous you wouldn`t need to hum the tunes smiley - musicalnote they are on most of the time and if you can get magic on your digi box my theme tune is on quite regular at the soon..
Marc (The Dandy Highwayman)


Post 3


It`ll get easier with the smiley - smileyies

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