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Post 1


You said you'd welcome ex-LD users.
Well, technically I'm not an "ex" cos I do still use LD, but I thought I'd say "hiya" anyway! I'm also a telewest user, although I'm not their greatest fan!
I'm quite new to h2g2 so I'm still pottering about trying to find my way, but I'm loving every minute of it!
So "hallo" and "cheerio", catch you on the flipside. xxx


Post 2


telewest has been on a gradual slide for months and i for one don`t bother with the chat rooms i seem to just get people come on and chat to user name on there i have a few but dandy_highwayman or prince-charming (as i have typed them) will get you in touch with me..hope you take up the offer some time till then bye..Marc

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