This is the Message Centre for Candi - now 42!

Electro Music?

Post 1


Hiya Candinook, When You say Electronic music are we talking about groups like Very early Human League (Being Boiled),Fad Gadget,Telex, Kraftwork and the like?. Or is it something else?.........

Electro Music?

Post 2

Candi - now 42!

Are you asking what kind of electronic music I make? Or what kind do I like?

Electro Music?

Post 3


Now You come to ask, Both Please?.

Electro Music?

Post 4

clzoomer- a bit woobly

A little off topic:
Walter/Wendy Carlos?

smiley - smiley

Electro Music?

Post 5


I`m on a telepest digibox...LMAO! So I`m sorry to say all I got of that last message was the
words smiley!!!!!.

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