This is the Message Centre for Cr0wley

Coffee Conversations

Post 1

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hello there

Good to see you back - I was starting to worry about you!

* passes smiley - coffee *

How have you been?

Coffee Conversations

Post 2


I'm well, thanks.

Sadly, it appears that the hectic maelstrom that is real life is yet to relinquish it's hold on me - and I thought that it was quietening down...

Thanks for the smiley - coffee
Looking forward to chatting with you soon...

Coffee Conversations

Post 3

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

I know RL can be a real bind!

smiley - holly Have a winderful Christmas smiley - holly

Looking forward to chatting smiley - kiss

Coffee Conversations

Post 4


smiley - yawn Morning all. Gawd, I hate Mondays....

Coffee Conversations

Post 5

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hey there!

* passes fresh smiley - coffee *

How are you?

I see you are going to the London Meet smiley - smiley I am really looking forward to it! I have a couple of really hectic weeks between now and then and will be ready to have some fun!

Mondays can be OK - its just mornings I have a problem with. Thismorning I got to work and there was a major problem - the coffee machine was broken smiley - sadface

Coffee Conversations

Post 6



I'm very well thank you, just watching 'Phantoms'. How're things with you?

I have to admit, I'm still a little nervous about meeting up with this strange bunch of people. At least there'll be one person I know. smiley - biggrin I may head over for the pre-meet on the Friday night, depending how the day goes.
Have you got far to travel hon?

As for the coffee, you should have dropped me a line - I could have had some FedEx'd across smiley - smiley Have you only got one machine?

Coffee Conversations

Post 7

Lighthousegirl - back on board


Thank you - I would have really appreciated it!

Glad all is well - things are very hectic for me at the moment - work is great but manic - I will try and wirte more at the weekend.

I know what it can be like going to your first meet - but it will be OK! I will not be there until Saturday. I am not sure of my travel plans yet but will mail you when I am more sure - it looks like I am staying in the same hotel as a few others ...

As to smiley - coffee machines - normally one is all I need by my desk! I dont spend that much time there smiley - biggrin

Catch you soon! smiley - kiss


Coffee Conversations

Post 8


I glad to hear your enjoying you new job. I hope they're not working you too hard!

Have you got far to come for the meet? I'm not definately going to the pre-meet, I'll have to see how Friday goes. Things are stangely quiet at the moment. I'm worried... smiley - winkeye

I think I spend too much time at the office. smiley - sadface
Time to change all that, I think.

Look forward to seeing you soon hon smiley - hug

Coffee Conversations

Post 9

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - smiley


smiley - hug I needed that!

Why this name change for the meet?

I am only travelling from Oxfordshire, but since I live alone and 20 mins drive from the nearest station I decided that staying might be a good idea!

I am working all Friday in Birmingham so wont be there that evening - but I guess it will be a good do! I would think that amoungst the Dutch contingent will be there and they are really fun!

I am certainly spending way to long in the office at the moment so roll on the meet! I am looking forward to meeting you smiley - smiley

smiley - hug

Coffee Conversations

Post 10


Hey hon! smiley - hug Have a nice, fresh smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley

The name change was an offshoot from a random thread about turning up for the meet on a theme inspired by your nick. Seeing as 'Cr0wley' doesn't really inspire anything, and I like to think I look vaugely like Aragorn (or rather, the guy that plays him in the movie) it kind of made things easier... I guess. smiley - shrug
Maybe I should find a picture...

Staying sounds like an excellent idea... I wish I'd thought of it sooner. smiley - sadface

I wonder how I'll recognise the gang on Friday? I'm sure I'll be able to work it out. I'll just find the largest, drunkest, loudest group in the pub. smiley - smiley

Don't let them work you too hard hon. Believe me, when you actually leave the office on time, go home, relax, you feel one hell of a lot better. Even if you don't feel bad at the moment, you'll be surprised. I speak from experience. smiley - winkeye

I'm looking forward to meeting you too hon. smiley - hug And the rest of the motley crew, of course. (I'm sure that's spelt wrong...)

I meant to congratulate you on your landslide victory in the bikini contest by the way. Will you be wearing it to the meet? smiley - winkeye

Coffee Conversations

Post 11

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - blush

* sips the smiley - coffee Oh that tastes good - thank you!

I fear it will be a tad cold for the bikini and well lets just say fantasy is sometimes better than the reality!

In terms of recognising people there are photos of old meets at the pages. Who is going to the premeet?

I have in the past learnt some very hard lessons about overworking and pacing myself - not the place to discuss but maybe when we meet!

Coffee Conversations

Post 12


To be honest hon, I have no idea who's going to tbe pre-meet smiley - sadface
I'll have to find out shortly, but my server's playing up at the moment. I'll give it a kick and try again in a bit.

I know what you mean about the difference between fantasy and reality... You'll see what I mean.

Have you got much planned for the weekend?

Coffee Conversations

Post 13

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Not a lot thank goodness - I need some sleep!

That being said I have to do all the housework, washing grocery shopping etc. My watch broke a couple of days ago and I need to get it fixed - I am totally lost without it. I work a really tight schedule of meetings at work and its important to know what the time is! So I guess I should do into town this afternoon - but I am not in the mood!

I also have to clear out the spare room as I have a friend staying next Friday night. I will collect them on the way back from work and then we will go to the meet together. We are probably meeting at least one other person at the hotel and travelling to the pub together. When I have some ideas on timing I will let you know and if you want to meet up before we get there we can get that sorted!

I am probably going to spend at least a couple of nights in Brum again next week as then I dont have 3 hours of driving each day!

I ought to also go and look for a freezer - I have decided I need one so I can have better food around when I cant get to the shops (or know when I will be home for internet shopping to be delivered). And I would like to catch up with friends - here and in RL!

So much for lazing around!

How about you?

Coffee Conversations

Post 14


I, er... lazed around.

I've been promising to do some work on a friend's website ([URL removed by moderator]) for *ages*. I keep starting things and never really finishing them. So, this weekend I decided I should set to getting some stuff done. There's been problems with the message board for ages (fortunately, nothing I set up, and little that the people that use the site can see.)
I spent about three hours backing everything up, and upgrading the boards, and was about to start on some of the other things I wanted to do. It was at that point I realised that the whole message board script was broken. As in, didn't work. At all.
The next *four* hours were spent tinkering with things, re-reading documentation, looking for help on the net... The next hour was spent uploading a backup I'd made before I started. smiley - sadface
So, everything's exactly as it was before I started, with the added problem of some missing (and seemingly un-retrievable) accounts.

So, I logged on to find my friend (whose site I was working on) was online, playing Delta Force. I got my network sorted out last week so I could play it from home, and spent the next seven hours getting blown to hell by the other players. Good fun.

Sunday was really dull. I wandered around the house, in search of something to do for ages. I really didn't want to touch anything on that damn site, so I ended up on a two-hour round trip of Essex. I didn't go anywhere, just drove. I find it really relaxing sometimes, just to be out of the house.

Then, I got into work on Monday to find that my manager was having a half day, and I had to go to Uxbridge to survey a place we're using for a big meeting next week. Three pretty worthless hours out of my day, and stacks of work when I get back.

I wonder, am I doing something wrong? smiley - sadface

Coffee Conversations

Post 15

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - hug

Sounds like you need it!

I had that kind of a weekend too but lets hope next weekend will be better!

I would not know where to have started with the web site - it sounds complicated!

I dont know Essex well but I guess there must be some bits that are nice just to cruise round. I quite fancied a walk on Sunday but it was wet and horriblw here and having got soaked doing the shopping my motivation was not that great!

I have a manic week at work again and will probably stay in Birmingham for the rest of the week. I hope to be able to pick up mails etc so should be able to let you know plans for the weekend.

I am looking forward to meeting with you smiley - hug

If I dont catch you before then have fun

smiley - lighthouse

Where in Uxbridge did you go? My old job was near there

Coffee Conversations

Post 16


I'll write more once I get home, I need to get out of this office tonight.

Coffee Conversations

Post 17

Lighthousegirl - back on board

You are at work still !

smiley - cuddle

Go Home hun!

If I dont catch you before see you Sat smiley - biggrin

smiley - cuddle Light

Coffee Conversations

Post 18

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* puts on a fresh pot of smiley - coffee *

* sits down in a comfortable chair, pleased it is the weekend and that there is time for smiley - coffee and conversation *

How has your week been?

Coffee Conversations

Post 19


* Pours and passes Light' a smiley - coffee *

Sorry hon, my phone line's on the blink at home. Office 'net access only. smiley - sadface Ho hum, it's faster here. And free'er. smiley - smiley

Last week was fantastically busy. I don't know if I mentioned before, but I work for in an advertising agency ( and we had a pitch on Thursday for a rather large client. Thank the deities that's over! Fortunatly, the people involved were very grateful for my hard work, and everything went fabulously. smiley - biggrin

This week, we've had a global creative review, where the head creatives across the world congregate to discuss the creative work we've produced. That finally finished today, and also went without a hitch. All in all, a good couple of weeks, if not knackering! smiley - smiley

How're things with you? I take it the review went well? Did you manage to get a shirt ironed beforehand?

Coffee Conversations

Post 20

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* sips smiley - coffee *

Oh thats good smiley - biggrin

Sounds like you have had a really busy time! I am glad it has all been going well. I will check out the link when I have a moment - probably the weekend (or maybe not till the one after actually)

I know all about busy - things absolutely manic at work again! I have been back in London today for the launch of the next big piece of work!

The review so far has gone well and 2 out of 3 managers happy - not met eith the third yet!

Shirts ironed - smiley - yikes I knew there was something I had to do tonight!

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