This is the Message Centre for Shalom Rubenstein

So I have Discovered you!!!!

Post 1

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Danny boy? Communist? Jewish? This cannot be a coincidence surely?
It's me the man you met at a fencing competition all those years ago and have never been able to get rid of since! Me and my mate share an H2G2 account so things get a little confusing down at the kalashnikov party bunker, (take a look I'm sure you will love it). Just so's you know you can tell us apart: My mate goes under the name of Covert Bob (usually he doesn't bother typing it though) and I am known with great suspicion as Big Bad Bolshevik Bob, I am willing to lend endless support for you in your attempts at communism, although being a schmuck of a gentile I don't think I can help much with the Zionism (as an atheist semi pagan agnostic pseudo budhist, I love the whole budhist vibe but can't seem to curtail the random acts of violence. I don't think I'd be much help). I am interested in this movement however and am hoping to learn more.
Viva la Revolution!
P.S If you are against media censorship Check out Zaphodista.. The in-guide movement to remove all censorship from the guide.
See you at the squad.

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