Journal Entries
Posted Mar 30, 2004
Was at the store the other day and noticed little pies being sold at the counter. They had the misfortune of being called "Hocakes."
As in cakes made by hos. As in "At this store, we sell Ho's pies."
I thought it was amusing, if not odd.
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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2004
Posted Mar 30, 2004
Was at the store the other day and noticed little pies being sold at the counter. They had the misfortune of being called "Hocakes."
As in cakes made by hos. As in "At this store, we sell Ho's pies."
I thought it was amusing, if not odd.
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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2004
One Month Before Finals and...
Posted Mar 28, 2004
I'm on the internet screwing around. Oh well, Evidence isn't that important. I'll spot it for the bar.
On another note, it's been a while since I've been back, and I hope to make my return a bit more permanent.
Vaya con Dios, cajunrefugee
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Latest reply: Mar 28, 2004
Posted Apr 16, 2002
Why does my job suck?
Granted, I have an escape to law school in the next couple of months, but I always swore that I'd never be one of those people that go to work day after day hating life, families, animals because of their miserable existence at work.
Ok, so I'm not that bad off, I still like people and haven't jumped down the chasm of misanthropy as of yet.
Never mind. At least I'm not a leper or anything like that.
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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2002
Posted Apr 13, 2002
Lately, I have found myself fighing insomnia. I'm not quite sure what causes it, but there are times when I get a magnificent high from the lack of sleep.
I submitted my first guide entry, New Orleans, Louisiana - History. New Orleans is one of the most fascinating places I've ever been to. It's one of those places that either touch your soul or alienate it. I would like to write more about the city, and I plan to whenever I can.
I also have to admit that I miss the UK. Which is more or less how I stumbled upon this site, just browsing through the BBC. It is an alien place to me, not hostile, just alien. With my French roots in tow (I grew up speaking French in Louisiana), it's hard for me to get my arms around some of the cultural concepts that confront you when stepping across the ocean. In France, I felt at home, as if I'd lived there all my life. It also fascinates me, but for the opposing reason that it's not so alien, that I understand it. I do miss la France.
In the meantime, I will listen to my mp3s, smoke a few cigarettes and explore.
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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2002
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."