Journal Entries


I have broken out in hives. Yesterday I thought it was something I ate, but they came back today. This happened to me several years ago, and the doctors never found out what caused them. My allergist said it just happens sometimes. He kept me on an antihistamine for a few months, and when he weaned me off of them the hives were gone.

I've taken an over-the-counter antihistamine that has made me drowsy. If they come back tomorrow, it's off to the doctor again.

Maybe it's caused by the heat. I choose to believe that, and they will go away when it gets cooler.

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2000

Self Expression

I have forgotten how to express myself. Somewhere between kindergarten and college the ability to say what I feel and speak my mind was driven out of me by nuns with rulers and paddles, and dull-minded public school teachers who were after all just doing a job. I tend to blame the public school teachers, since nuns with rulers can create a delightful and expressive neurosis, under the right conditions.

Thus locked inside of me is a delightful neurosis with no way out. A Catholic sense of guilt and personal responsibility prevents me from exploring this through pschoanalysis (it is all my fault anyway, what will a therapist tell me that will change that?).

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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2000


I just wrote an entry on canned compressed air, and as I was finishing it I hit the "escape" key to cancel a spell-check.

Internet Explorer uses the "escape" key to clear text fields. I did not know this. My entry is gone.

It is not undo-able.

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000

A squirrel

A squirrel is lying prostrate on the corner of my balcony, basking in the sun, completely unaware that I am only a few feet away behind the glass.

Now the sun has gone behind a cloud and the squirrel has moved closer to me. I think the typing has caught its attention. Yes. It runs away.

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2000

Buying a House

I am thinking about writing an entry on buying a house, something which I completed recently. I think my experience was atypical however (it went smoothly and quickly).

I haven't moved yet, so I could write a blow-by-blow entry on packing and moving. I'd have to pack the computer last.

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2000

Back to dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC's Personal Space Home

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

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