This is the Message Centre for Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

G'day Fallin Blue Space kat ...

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

My name is Feisor and I too am an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here at h2g2.

I was attracted by your name - I like smiley - cats too - you will understand when I say that dogs have owners and cats have "service providers" smiley - laugh

I know that you have already been welcomed but I thought that I would just pop in and leave you some links that you might find useful smiley - biggrin
You can leave a message on my space just by clicking on my name at the top of this message or by hitting the reply button below - it won't hit back (usually).

The "Italics" (they are the people who run this place - so-called because their names are displayed in bold italics - God Bless 'Em) have left a message for newcomers at
it's got a lot of the basic background and how-tos that you will need - a good place to start

Then you can take the H2G2 Tour at to see how it all works smiley - biggrin

If you want to explore try Sheas List of links

Jeffs Welcome Page

Both are great places to begin your journey .

And finally, the editors of our own newspaper The H2G2 Post have made up a page of links - you can find it at and then you can read The Post smiley - laugh

Well - that should keep you busy for a while smiley - biggrin I am sure that you will love this community as much as we do smiley - biggrin There's lots of things to see, clubs to join and people to meet - please don't be shy - just jump right in - this is a friendly place. But be careful - it can become quite addictive - believe me I know smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

Have fun!!!
and above all DON'T PANIC!!!

smiley - peacedove

G'day Fallin Blue Space kat ...

Post 2

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

thanks so much! some great links... everyone seems so sweet here ::makes herself at home:: hehe

about to scoot off to check out your page smiley - smiley

chat soon i hope

Kat xxx
smiley - cat

G'day Fallin Blue Space kat ...

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Yes - the people here are, in the main, friendly (if a little mad at times) smiley - laugh


Let me know if I can be of any help
smiley - cheers

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