This is the Message Centre for Also ran 1

I'll save time then...

Post 1


You read my TV journal entry. I think it's sad that people are willing to watch a TV show about a criminal justice system they are afraid to be involved with. If we want to know which problems need to be solved, just watch TV.

I was born in the Eisenhower Administration. How about you?

I think Jesus went to surround the whole world so he could do a giant job from our hearts. We can be like His miniature robots, if we all get together and do a job. His will must first be determined. I'm working on that question for the Dalai Lama.

I lived in India for half a year in 1999. I lived in a Tibetan Buddhist nunnery, around the corner from the Dalai Lama's residence. I tutored the nuns in English and studied Tibetan culture and writing.

I spent the Millennium in the Centaur Hotel. They said our flight was fogged in and it was foggy, but it was also the night the hostages from the hijacking were released. They, too, stayed at the Centaur. It was quite an occasion, just knowing such happiness surrounded us. I continued to be fogged in for two additional days. I became friends with a high Lama. I was lucky enough to get to ask questions about the Pali texts from an expert. He also told me wonderful stories in the life of Lord Buddha.

Could you tell me your favorite story about your life please.

If you logoff, I think you can log back on with your password. You might want to look that up. I think I did it the first day.

I think Plato invented Socrates as a teaching device. SeCReTS.

Social Law is of great interest to me. Briefly, I think there are two basic kinds of people. Those with older souls, and those with very young souls.

I think the older souls, which may just be teenagers, have heavenly bodies. Real heavenly bodies. Stars, Planets, Moons and Galaxies.

I think the younger souls came from asteroids and meteorites. Shooting stars loose their bodies to the Earth's atmosphere. They take new bodies here, in the afterlife, and train to do jobs for our Mother.

This is all in the Republic, but not all together like this, and not equated with souls in just this way. But in Book X, Plato speaks of souls who know suffering and those who came from the stars that do not know the same suffering.

Anyway, I was trying to be brief, but I think these baby souls are usually left alone to develope, unless an asteroid threatens the planet. Then some stars take bodies and build pyramid shields.

I know it sounds like a movie, but it really might be true. The Ramayana, one of India's oldest stories, tells of a time when the Solar Race came.

So, what if the benevolent Stars, ate? Remember the myths, when the hero goes into hell, they don't get to eat the hell food. In this case, I don't think they were allowed to eat meat, and were, in fact, supposed to teach the residents how to eat vegetarian, although, not yet vegan.

But there was a bean famine, or something, and the Shepherds turned into Wolves.

So, I think they did what the Republic says to do, they burned the truth and lied. They didn't leave the true history, because we all know what history repeats itself. But nothing doesn't get so easily repeated.

Anyway, I think we have a higher purpose, and we haven't been in tuned yet. They have to fix things before they can go back.

I think if a star is bad, they might have to go back to their body and burn for 5 billion years. If you are at one with God, that might be fine, but if you're all addicted to life, then you might suffer in that state.

As for asteroids, they are babies. They copy bad things, not invent them. They get baby rules. Unconditional forgiveness and love. So if you are accountable for your actions, you get treated differently than if you are a baby.

I think some babies are three. Me, for instance. That is not bad. But I hate to think that Earth has to depend on an asteroid to wake up the Dalai Lama.

He says he's a simple Buddhist monk. No wonder our planet's in trouble.

Well, I've rambled long enough. I would erase this and leave only a third, but I wouldn't know were to stop.

Please tell me about you.

Still, Pika

I'll save time then...

Post 2

Also ran 1

Dear Pika,smiley - smiley Thank you for your very interesting reply. I must say that a lot of it, about the stars and the asteroids was way above my head. That is my problem. I have no imagination. But some of your ideas were charming - like asteroids being babies. But how can you be three? I suppose the real person, the person I would like to be, and the person others see me as. How wonderful to have been to India. I know very little about the Dalai Lama. Only that I have read the discussion that he had with the head of our Meditation Group in England. And I thought it was fascinating and interesting.
If you go to my space you will see that I am a septugenarian Grannie. I studied Philosophy as a mature student and so enjoyed it. We had wonderful lecturers. I remember reading Socrates and Plato but do not remember very much about them. My favourite philosopher is Merleau-Ponty who is a phenomenologist and I absolutely love him.
I am busy writing a biography of a Wesleyan missionary who went to South Africa with his wife in 1816. He was a wonderful man and loved God with a passion which made him accept the most difficult situations. I hope I do him justice, but it does take a lot of my time so you will forgive me if I do not write very long replies. I send you an affectionatesmiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

I'll save time then...

Post 3


What a lovely project.

I am trying to wake up the Dalai Lama. As for being three, it's the age of my soul. The expected spiritual abilities and responabilities of a three year old in 'heaven' is all I can hope to accomplish. I can certainly tell the Dalai Lama to wake up.

No long replies necessary, I'll keep things short. No need to reply right away, or at all if you're too busy.

Have you heard that the Bible was written with no vowel points and no spaces between the words?

I read in 'On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism' by Gershom Sholem, that in the last days the Torah will have different spaces between the letters and different vowel points will be added and it will speak of completely different things.

Because it was the Jewish Secret Society claiming these things, I considered them.

Upon studying the ancient Hebrew language, I learned that the tense system is not concrete. It is said that they only have the perfect and imperfect tenses. (This is Plato's 'perfect' state.)

Egyptian is said to lack vowels and only possess the perfect and
imperfect tenses, as well.

In these languages, there are sets of consonants that change their meanings, depending on the vowels added to them. LHM as in BethLeHeM, can mean house of bread or house of war depending on the vowels added. Our version reads house of bread.

Writing was brought to the Hebrew slaves by Moses, an Egyptian schooled man.

Those are the facts. Here are theories.

The linear letters used by Moses and the Phoenicians is actually the Egyptian Sacred Writing. Heiroglyphics are said to be the sacred writing. I don't think so. They put it on the walls for all to see. That isn't the Priest's Secret Writing System.

I think the Phoenician merchants copied it from their Egyptian consumers. They passed it on to their other customers, but that doesnt' mean they invented it.

The fact that Moses was schooled in Egypt means he wasn't a slave, and the Bible says he had rank. So if that's true, he might have been privileged to know the Priest's Writing.

The languages before Egyptian in the same area, Akkadian and Aramaic forms, were syllabic in nature. The vowels were important enough to be tacked on to every consonant. These were vowel conscious individuals. I think the direction of the writing held the tense.

Left was past.
Vertical was present.
Right was future.

Later, direction was replaced by concrete vowels. Cadmus brought these vowels to Greece in around 800bc and the Greeks stopped writing in different direction. Oops, that's a fact.

Anyway, the vowels that got added were IEHOVA. Hmmm. The Christians call God by this name. And the Hebrew IHVH is also of a vowelular nature. I don't think God is vowels, but His body might be made of time. Kronos, eating away at his children. Time, eating away at the minutes.

Anyway, it's been fun chatting, take care.

Still, Pika

I'll save time then...

Post 4

Also ran 1

Dear Pikasmiley - smiley You make my head swim!!. You seem to be interested in so many things. Jesus spoke Aramaic.. I wonder about the tenses being determined by the slant of the writing. I certainly know that I have two kinds of writing. I have not yet worked out which mood belongs to which kind of writing!!. I am interested, very interested, in the concept of Time. When I was at University and was studying Merleau-Ponty The Phenomenology of Perception I was fascinated by it. How would you describe Time? I said, facetiously , that it is something that goes very slowly when you are young and very fast when you are old!! Anway, dear friend, have a good weekend. It is very difficult to get onto the Internet over the weekend, so I probably shall not write again before Monday. Actually, not even then, because all things being well, I am due to have a lens implant into my right eye on Monday. Hoorah!! Then I shall be able to see the ball when I am watching tennis on TV.And even more importantly be able to read easily again. At the moment the words keep disappearing and then coming back. Very strange!! Go well smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

I'll save time then...

Post 5


I'll say a prayer for excellent eyesight. Good luck.

Time is one of my favorites. I really believe it's the body of God. He's so elusive.

By the way, I think HE lacks a gender determiner. SHE has the curvy female S. THE has the straight male T. HE has no gender. It's not remembered that way, but I think I feel comfortable with a God that is a HE which has no gender determiner. It's none of my business what God is?

Anyway, I think the more the gravity, the less the time. It's almost as if gravity pulls time in on matter.

So the Universe has all the gravity, and no time. It doesn't need any.

The Galaxies have some time, the Stars have more, and by the time you get down here to Earth, you have all kinds of time. We're swimming in time. One of our major problems is how to fill all the time we have.

Last, then, would be NO GRAVITY HAS ALL THE TIME. This is where the Angels live. They have an exponetial more amount of time than we do. That's how they enable coincidence, what Jung called Synchronicity. The Angels can make things happen.

Anyway, this all came from the Bible, where one day for God is 1000 years for man. I don't think this 'God' is the Universal Soul. I think one day for Earth is 1000 years for man. I could be wrong, but if I'm right, then:

one of our days is about 1/4 of a second for Earth.

This puts time on our side. If we accomplish a task inside her body (which is where we live) then she feels it almost instantly.

Also, if there is a difference between the Earth's time and the Sun's time, then one year might be one second, or heartbeat.

If you take the H off the back of Earth, and put it on the front, you have heart.

So every year for us, the trees suck up nutrients, push out leaves, buds, flowers, fruit, then drops the fruit and leavea and rests a moment and begins again. THUMP, thump, THUMP, thump.

So we have tons of time. What can we do with it? Can we fix any problems that might occur in the BIG BODIES. Those are the Planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies and the Universe. We can affect them. We can stop an asteroid from impacting a life-bearing planet.

I don't believe there are only two possibilities. I don't think the Universe is destined to expand forever and freeze, or crunch back in on itself. I think it might be a crystal seed. I think it might be growing as a product of a type of genetic engineering. I think the Universe might be able to crystalize. I call that the Philosopher's Stone.

I probably have porphyria, it's an hereditary blood disorder. I have all the symptoms, and I presented every month for 15 years. I quit drinking milk. It was probably the hormones. I can't take many medications, either. I almost died quite a few time. Dehydration. So I made my peace at an early age.

The question that arose in my mind, that has most effected my life is What if Earth feels like this (when I was in a lot of pain)? What if God feels like this?

That's what worries me, that they can feel pain, or that they can feel our pain.

I also worry that when we die, if reincarnation is real, there just aren't enough good wombs. Serious shortages.

If the conditions of the mother are substandard, the child will be born into substandard conditions. It's like math. So if the kid isn't raised right, the next generation has even less of a chance.

Things are going downhill everywhere. Child molestors steal children from their homes. They just found the body of that 7 year old girl. And the child molestor is no less a victim. He's a sick dude. Who knows what he did to his own kids.

So in this world where I wouldn't want to be reborn at all, I must look forward and notice that there are less and less acceptable places to be born.

So I try and change that. Not just for me, but for me, too. If I have to come back, or if I continue to come back to help Earth, then I want to come back to a nicer place.

And if we continue to make things nicer each time we are here, then in a few lifetimes, we could be living in Heaven.

But not if we don't wake up.

First, we don't get to eat hell food anymore. I don't expect this generation to be vegetarian, but I expect that it will be taught in the future, and that the meat packing industry will be phased out. Look at the Tibetan Wheel of Life. The animals are contained in the center. The people aren't eating from that center. We can be vegetarians. We can even be vegans now, because we have the ability to make B12. But I don't mind feeding the birds and sharing the eggs. There's the protein and B12. Why kill the animals?

I don't believe the Bible is translated correctly. If the direction of writing indicates the vowels to be used, then it indicates the proper meaning. If the proper meaning is lost, and mistranslated into a cookbook like Leviticus very well could be, then Leviticus says something different.

When I looked around to figure out who to write to in the world, I found that there is no recognised leader. If the aliens landed and said 'Take me to your leader' that person would change depending upon what place they landed. We don't have a leader. We certainly can't live together in peace yet.

I've settled on His Holiness the Dalai Lama, because he preaches tolerance. That's what this planet needs, some tolerance. That message is the message of a leader. One day I hope to inform him that he is not a simple monk. He is highly educated. He is very wise. He's Maitreyah, the next Buddha. He's in charge of bringing the new Dharma. I'm in charge of waking him up.

I really could be delusional. I've considered that. But in this world, it doesn't matter for a second. This place is a mess, so if I'm delusional, I fit right in.

But maybe I'm not delusional. Maybe Angels really can play our brainpathways like harps. Maybe they can enter our thoughts and make sure we think things. I've either been talking to myself, or talking to them, for most of my life. If it's all me, then who cares if I'm delusional? But if those Angels have been guiding me for 30 years or more, then I might really have a job.

As I said, I'm definitely asteroid. I don't get math. I don't recognize the underlying patterns in classical music. I can't 'SEE THE WHOLE CHESSBOARD'.

I'm just a little soul. The little asteroid that could. One little job. Wake up one sleeping Buddha. I can do that. I'm not ashamed to be blashemous in Buddhist, because I'm Christian. So I feel fine telling one of the most prominent world leaders of our time that he's being foolish.

I feel comfortable saying 'If you're not asleep, why are you wearing your pajamas?' The emporer's new clothes.

I could be the commoner who inspires the king. Cinderella.

See. Delusional? I really could be. But I get up and go to work and pay my taxes and vote and I care about the world around me. So maybe I'm just awake. I just can't seem to forget that 14 year old girls are made to scoop poop with their hands. They don't get to wash their hands or their bucket. The bucket will next hold the food. They must eat with feces on their hands. It will continue to put a damper on every meal I eat. When I get under my blanket every night, and it's chilly at first and I shivver, a picture of those young ladies in Tibetan prisons comes to my mind. They have no blanket. I lived in the Himalayan Mountains. I know exactly how cold it gets. Like Colorado or the Alps. Freezing.

I want to give them a blanket. I want to feed them real food. I want them to be with their families.

Then my mind moves around the globe, Islamic women, AIDS in Africa, terrorism everywhere. Everywhere, far too many people are not okay.

We have the resourses to fix everything. You know it doesn't take money, right? Money is a lie. It's hilarious. It isn't based on gold rocks. It's near valueless paper, that we believe in. That's all. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because they are stupid.

Money never did anything but motivate. It is nothing. It's paper.

Governments want us to believe it is concrete. We must believe that the money is based on something real. If we realize it is not, then we might not allow it to control us anymore. See?

So, is money a slab of concrete or a piece of timber? Does the money create the concrete or the timber? Does the money build with the concrete or the timber? Does the builder eat the money?

Where does the money fit in? Where the government tells you it fits, that's where.

Is money food? Is it used to grow the food? Does money make seeds? Does money harvest the food?

And most important of all, can you eat the money?

We've been duped, but that's okay. I don't mind being controlled. I just want them to do a better job of it. If I have to do their work, at least fix this mess so I don't mind coming back. I don't mind working. I like to work. I do many jobs well. So work isn't the issue. There are plenty of people to do the work. What the hell's the problem?

Anyway, if I'm bothering, please say so. I'm sorry, you just seem like a perfect forcus.

Take care and happy visions.

Still, Pika

I'll save time then...

Post 6


Oh my gorsh, I meant focus, not forcus. I don't even know what a forcus is.


I'll save time then...

Post 7

Also ran 1

Dear dear Pika,smiley - smiley Thank you for you long letter. You must not feel pain about every thing in the world. You cannot fix everything. But it is good to focus on something that you CAN fix, and I am sure that you do that. It is good that you have decided that the Dalai Lama is the one that you would like to follow. I am sure that although he knows that there is much pain in the world he also realises that it is only God in his Infinite Goodness who can remedy all pain. We can, in our own infinitisemal way, do something. But if you worry about everything then the eventual result is that you will expend all the energy you have and only be able to do very little. Sleep well and go well. an affectionate smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

I'll save time then...

Post 8


When I lived in India I did a lot of massage therapy with political prisoners. I know the truth. I try not to dwell on the bad stuff, but the reminders are everywhere.

If Jesus left to get big so he could initiate a master plan, it might run something like this. If you ever in your entire life asked Him into your heart, He's there. If He ever gets in, He never leaves. If He never gets in, He stands by forever, just in case you let Him in. He can't leave. He is perpetually with everyone, everywhere, because that's what happens when you make yourself big to master a plan.

So if all the hearts that Jesus is in, agree to do a specfic job, it can be done. HUGE tasks are possible, and are already being accomplished.

I just want to take it a step up. I want a planet worthy of God's love. This isn't it.

I love the wonderful miracles life has to offer, but if even one person is being tortured or raped or abused, and screams out for God to help them, who will answer that scream? God doesn't need all that screaming of His Name. He needs peace and quiet.

This planet could be really cool. If we are motivated, the masses can be great fun. I think we should have a game. A world game. We can call it Help Our Planet Earth, or HOPE for short. We can save the world. We just need to enable the saving. We have printable money backed by trust, so 'cost' isn't a problem. We have the people, we have the food. Now we can do a big job for Jesus.

I just needed to find the person most likely to be in line with Jesus' will. Oddly enough, it seems to be a Buddhist. I don't care.

It's March already, and Time marches on.

Still, Pika

I'll save time then...

Post 9

Also ran 1

Pika dearsmiley - smiley I have not spoken to you for a long time. Just to let you know that I often think of you and hope that you are well and happy. I am fortunately without too much pain at the moment and so life takes on a completely new hue. With much affection. AR1 smiley - schooloffish

I'll save time then...

Post 10


My computer is sick. Sorry, I got used to the library again. I had become fond of studying on line.

I'll try and paste my recent letter here.

More later.

Still, Pika

Hi – Health*

This might be very important. I’m writing to several people concerned with Native American interests. I hope this will be a receptive audience for my information. Native Americans seem to care about Earth properly.

Okay, in The Republic, by Plato, they explain that they are going to rewrite history so children don’t grow up believing that they have quarrels with one another. Alexander the Great conquered a vast area and enabled the rewriting of history. The Republic advocates burning books and the Library at Alexandria was burned. It appears they went with their plan and rewrote our history.

What was it like before? Well, of all places, the Native American Myths and Legends might hold the truth. They talk of times long ago when misinterpretations led to cannibalism and other warlike natures.

I don’t think these stories are the actual history of North America. I think that representatives came from the Old World and asked for help. They explained that due to mistranslations of written texts, bad things were happening on the other side of the world. They explained to the Tribal Leaders that they were going to have to hide certain information and encode other things, but much would be lost. They asked the Tribal Leaders to tell some stories. They warned never to allow the stories to be followed. They didn’t write anything down, knowing that writing caused many tragedies.

The Hopi Boy and The Sun explains how ‘someone’ mixed up birds and people and ate people. Then they mixed up wheat and people and ate people. Note: in the Bible, they stoned people, not wheat. Then the Hopi Boy mixes up corn mush with people and eats the people.

Other stories say that ‘a long time ago, they knew they had to eat deer to live, but they mixed up deer and people and ate people by mistake’.

Allow me to climb a bit further out on this limb and tell you where I think souls come from. This is quite a story.

When the Big Bang banged, the body of our Mother expanded. This is the physical Universe. Our Father couldn’t bear to leave her, and He went with her. In each piece of ‘stuff’ there is an equal portion of our Father’s Spirit.

The Universe is the Body. God’s Spirit is the Soul. In a like manner, a Galaxy has a portion of Mother’s Body, and a like sized portion of Father’s Spirit. A Sun has a portion of Mother’s Body, and a like sized portion of Father’s Spirit. A Planet has a portion of Mother’s Body and a like sized portion of Father’s Spirit. A Moon has a portion of Mother’s Body and a like sized portion of Father’s Spirit.

These are the Big Bodies. They have Big Souls. They are more orderly in their motions. They are, in a manner of speaking, naturally older.

Older than whom?

There are baby souls in the Universe. They are meteors and comets and asteroids. They have a much different life. They fly free until they impact. When they do hit an atmosphere, they lose their physical body. They become tiny baby ghosts. They are ‘God seeds’. They take bodies and grow in a different way than Big Bodies.

Fairy Asteroid Souls take the bodies of plants, then animals and finally humans. This is a process in our Mother’s Body. This kind of Humanity, the kind that comes from ‘God seeds’, is the immune system of the body of the Universe.

Usually, we have hundreds of thousands of years to develop. We grow after many, many incarnations. But we have a deep love for Earth and we consider the animals our little brothers and sisters, knowing that we came up that ladder ourselves.

But when we are young, we don’t understand math. In fact, if you were to tell us that in heaven, ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’, well, then, we would say ‘as above, so below: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’.

Okay, occasionally, a star explodes or a planet gets crisped by it’s star, and they become like ghosts, too. So we let them come here and take bodies so they don’t have to suffer in Heaven. They are the shamans and wizards. They were our guardians and protectors and they kept an eye on the ‘crib’ called Earth.

One day, the Guardian looked up and noticed a heavenly body out of sync. He took some measurements and OH NO, the rock would hit Earth in just a few thousand years. That was not enough time to bring this young group into a state of technology. So the Guardian informed God that we needed more Big Bodied Spirits to take bodies on Earth and help build shields (pyramids).

The Stars came down, and for a while, we had a golden age. They were teaching us how to do things we had never done before. They were educating us so we could protect our Planet, not just because it is our home, but because we love Her and don’t want Her to get hit by a big rock.

Okay, I’m standing up again and I’m going to inch out on the limb, it’s getting bendy now.

Lots of myths tell of the hero or heroin going into hell. There is a rule. Don’t eat hell food. Sometimes it’s a persimmon seed, but it’s always something. If they do it, they are damned and must stay in hell.

I guess for the Big Bodied Spirits, life as a mere human is hell. But not for baby souls.

We have two groups on this planet. They have different norms, different needs and different expectations.

The Stars came to help. They still have Big Bodies in Heaven. They don’t get to go back and ‘be one with God’ until they fix the mess they made.

What did they do? They ate meat. But you have to eat meat to live, right? Wrong. When we were animals (and humans are) we ate meat as part of the food chain. But the Stars had the knowledge to offer us vegetarianism, and they were supposed to.

Instead, they ate meat and got spiritually sick.

This is how it happened. The Animal Kingdom is part of Stan’s realm. Stan is our Big Spirit Brother. Recently, He has become a scape goat.

It is Stan’s job to contain the negative energy in the Universal Mind. It’s a Spiritual job in the physical world. Mother and Father work together to help Stan, however, Stan keeps the negative energy from God. If they mix, God gets sick. The way Stan circulates the negative energy is in the animal kingdom. It’s really hell. Rape, murder, cannibalism, subjugation, injustice, FEAR.

So when a living Star takes a Human Body in ‘hell’, and eats meat, the negative energy is released into the Universal Body and Spirit. ‘hell’ becomes ‘HELL’.

This explains the radically different views of the afterlife. Let’s say a star is banned from Earth due to sinning, and he is forced back into his star body full of sins. That’s called ‘burning in hell forever’.

Then there is the unconditional love of Jesus. Well, that’s for the baby souls. Of course we are not to blame. Big Stars came and ruined our paradise. True, they came to save the paradise, but things went wrong.

So Jesus came and died for everyone’s sins. He asked us to remember the cannibals. He said ‘eat my body and drink my blood as a remembrance’. He could have said ‘hug each other as a remembrance of my love for you’ but that is not what He wanted us to remember. He wanted us to remember the truth.

Jesus couldn't tell us about everything because we were too young. He couldn't tell us that points of light in the sky could harm us. We might not have believed anything else He said. He had to focus on 'love one another' because that is where the need was.

Now it is the latter days. 2000 years ago, the zodiac was cut up into 12 equal signs, 30 degrees of arc each. Now, time has changed that. In fact, there are 13 major signs on the ecliptic and several minor. The 13th sign of the zodiac is called Opheucus, the Serpent Bearer.

I find it fascinating that just when Jesus is supposed to appear and bind the serpent for 1000 years, that the New Sign of Opheucus is announced by astronomers.

The news didn’t quite make the American Press, due to the O.J. hearings. But that doesn’t make it untrue. It is a fact. All the signs of the zodiac have different dates now.

Jesus also calls Himself ‘the Bright and Morning Star’. Here is my asteroid list:

2500bc Chinese Emperor Yao reports a Heavenly Battle

2000bc Egyptian Bennu Bird burns in own ashes and returns every 500 years

1500bc Phoenician Phoenix burns in own ashes and returns every 500 years

1000bc Star of David? Was there a star?

500bc Lord Buddha stations and views heavenly body called Morning Star

Star of Bethlehem marks Christ and world calendar set to zero.
500ad Thunderbird Legend

1000ad Quetzelcoatl, the flaming bird, returns

1500ad Durer engraves Melencolia I with Asteroid out the window dated 1514

2000ad Jesus as the Bright and Morning Star

There is more, but this limb is about to break. I’m heading back to my tree.

Thank you for your time.

Still, Karen

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