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Follies, badger latrines and bluebells.

Post 21

LL Waz

Greetings AR, I'm afraid I haven't been doing a great deal on h2 just lately. Partly due to too much work occupying too few brain cells. And partly too many things happening outside work. Nice things, but they leave less time for here.

I know what you mean about the follies/ruins. I thought they were all follies too. But apparently some of them do have some real history. Some of the castle ruins are real and the caves on top of the hill were originally roman mines. But they've been 'embroidered' on. More ruined walls added to the castles, shells and arches to decorate the mines. They sort of turned real remains into follies if you like.

I hope you were all right after that fall. Falling's always a shock but in those circumstances smiley - yikes... But are you sure it was sheep dung you slipped on? On the dawn chorus walk we were shown a 'badger latrine'. If you can't see the badger itself it's got to be the next best thing smiley - smiley. My friend and her neighbours took great interest in it as they suspect they have badgers down their lane. They were discussing the differences between types of dung smiley - erm. How exactly were you a renegade by the way, sounds interesting?

Shrewsbury does still have a market hall but I'm not familiar with it. Its all under cover and has a very 1960s looking clock. Is that the one you remember?

I haven't been researching archaeological sites lately, I've been reading about Trilobites and researching a bit about the Hebrides. I'm making slow progress on that. I did, however, visit the Nerja caves on holiday in Spain. They had some archaeological excavations there, and cave paintings. They say the caves have been in use over 25,000 years. The paintings aren't on view but the caverns are really spectacular. You wonder what people 25,000 years ago made of them.

Sorry about the tree house - it sounds as though you need the services of Crocodile Dundee. I'm not keen on crocodiles either.

I am enjoying a spectacular display of bluebells just now. Whoever had the house before me planted an enormous number of them along the side of the garden. At this time of year they are stunning.
'Til next time, take care,

Follies, badger latrines and bluebells.

Post 22

Also ran 1

Very dear Wazsmiley - smiley Thanks so much for your lovely newsy letter. Great to hear that you are enjoying life and that the bluebells are magical. I do not think it was a badger latrien that I slipped on as it was half way up a hill and there were sheep everywhere. However I know that there were a lot of badgers in the vicinity and I heard that they were hunted and I was very appalled at that.
I celebrated my 74th birthday yesterday. Lots of super phone calls from my children in Brisbane, Johannesburg and Tucson. Also lots of cards and flowers.
I have had a busy week thinking about my future which is going to change considerably. So I have been looking for somewhere else to live. I think that I have found the perfect place - if it is affordable. It is overlooking the sea - which I love, and is big enough for me to trundle around in my wheelchair. also for me to get in and out of the doors on my own.
Have you been watching Chelsea? Some marvellous flowers to be seen. I have also heard on the radio about some wonderful ruins which they are going to excavate near Chester. And also some ruins found in the Severn. How on earth do people get to know about them.? I was given a book by Stendahl in French as a present. I wonder if I will ever finish it? I did not realise that those caves were old Roman ruins. I would have tried to visit them had I known although perhaps it might have been too much at the time. Keep well - I have an edelweiss which I bought and planted in one of my planters and it is looking quite stunning. Affectionately. AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Happy Birthday for 5 days ago!

Post 23

LL Waz

Belated 'Happy Birthday' AR smiley - bubbly!
I hope you had a good time. Your children seem to have encircled the globe. Do you have granchildren yet? I will be spending the next few days at my sister's looking after my niece and nephew - both in their teens - while their parents go cycling in Wales. That's their idea of a break. My mother is coming too, so it's a joint effort. If she didn't we'd all be living on take away meals I'm afraid. I could do with all your best wishes for getting my niece to go to bed before midnight and for getting her to eat any breakfast at all before rushing off to school. Last year the only way was to shove a piece of toast in her hand as she ran round the house collecting her things.

I hope you find the right place to move to. I would dearly love to live within sight of the sea. I have a friend who is looking for somewhere to live at the moment as she has been warned the place she is renting may be sold at some point. It's in a beautiful location, in view of Hawkestone. Moving will be a real wrench for her. She is tempted by properties in Provence! They are a good deal cheaper and the weather is better.

I only saw the last Chelsea programme - where they gave out viewer's awards and interviewed a prize winner from Ireland, who had a truly 'wild' garden which I liked very much, and an amateur pelargonium grower. The Irish gardener had butterworts which I've seen in Scotland. She said they were very rare- I didn't know that. They are such a pretty flower to be carniverous.

Do you know those those new excavations near Chester are? It sounds interesting. I have no idea how they find ruins in the Severn - it's not as if the water has been low recently. Excavating in the river will be interesting, it's not at all safe to swim in.

Must go, I need to finish my washing or I'll have nothing clean to take with me smiley - smiley,

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 24

Also ran 1

Hi dear Wazsmiley - smiley How have you been getting on with looking after your neice and nephew? I hope that they have not given you too much angst.
I think that I heard or read about the excavations on the TV. On that little man Robinson's programme. I think that the Chester ones were a continuation on the existing excavations. The ones in the Severn had been detected by some sort of sonar method. Also they said that because things were in water on the whole they would be much better preserved. Sorry to be so vague about it but I shall try and have apen and pencil handy next time so that my info is more sensible.
Have you been enjoying the Queen's Jubilee? Yesterday after Mass I was whizzed down the road by a South African and it was great fun. Also splashed on with water pistols by a band of enthusiastic teenagers. It made me feel human again.
I have been doing some gardening in the marvellous weather. My Oriental poppies are flowering again. They are so beautiful but a friend has been obliged to stake them because the buds are so heavy they fell on the pavement and the wind actually battered them to death which made me very sad.
I have nine grandchildren my dear friend and am going to be a great grandmother on the 1st January 2003.!! I must admit that I never thought I would see that. The young nowadays delay parenthood for ages. I had three children by the time I was 23. Very stupid.!!I am having second thoughts about the move. It is a very expensive flat although it is beautiful and I really think that to spend all that amount of money at my stage of life is stupid. Also I wonder why I have to move just so Soc.Services can take the responsibility of my son? It seems to me to be both unkind and unfair to expect me to go and make new friends in a new environment at my age. I wish I could remember who suggested it. Your lucky friend thinking about living in Provence. If I had the money I would certainly also love to go there. Well i must end and make lunch for a few friends who are coming. Much affection from AR1 smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 25

LL Waz

Hi AR1, everything went well with the niece and nephew sitting - no problems at all! Although I was a bit late getting my nephew to bed.

Nine grandchildren - that's a nice number. I was one of eight grandchildren on my father's side. We had a great time when we all got together. We could just fit in one house, with a squeeze, on special occasions. I'm not sure my grandmother enjoyed the chaos we created though. I have memories of playing at going around rooms without touching the floor, of being on top of her wardrobe, of it swaying horrendously as I leapt of it onto the middle of her bed ...

Moving in order to get Social Services' help doesn't sound right at all. What puts my friend off moving to Provence is that it means leaving friends. You sound like someone who could make new friends easily but it takes time and you can't replace old friends. If you can't remember who suggested moving - is it possible that Social Services think that you would prefer to move? I suspect asking for their help is maybe stressfull enough without having to move at the same time. I hope it doesn't come to that.

I hope too that you have some poppies left. I have a glorious display of long grass. Being away I didn't get it mown. I just hope there's a dry evening before long. What really are glorious just now are the clematis. I have one scrambling up a crab apple at the front. It has great big flat purple flowers like dinner plates. Well almost! And a beautiful blue one, at the back, growing up one side of an archway.

Teenagers and waterpistols! I know better than to get anywhere near certain teenagers with waterpistols without a hose in my hand, now that's a way to feel young again. This weekend I painted a UnionJack with my niece, made jubillee bunting to decorate the house and helped her transform two barbie dolls into the Queen and Prince Phillip. You should have seen Prince Phillip. We made him a crown to hide his tresses but could do nothing to hide his dainty feet.

Keep well,

PS I think I've been missing some of that little Robinson man's (I like that name for him) programmes. I saw there was one last night - I'm usually out on Tuesday evenvings.

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 26

Also ran 1

My dear Waz,smiley - smiley thank you for your very understanding letter. It seems that it is a condition of soc. Services that if they take over responsibility for someone when the previous carer has to back out. In my case though they think that it would be better for me not only to back out but also to move out!!. I really am in a quandary because it is going to be difficult to find somewhere else to live. As you say, I do make friends easily but at my age I really am not keen to start again. anyway, I am just sitting tight and letting my brother do all the decision making. it is after all his money.
I have had a reasonable week. My friend has gone to Ireland for a few days but I managed to get someone else to get me to Mass. I have been watching the tennis but am none too pleased with the result of the men's. I was sad to see Agassi go out and then yesterday was a fine match between Safin and Ferero. and then today Ferero played like a novice. I suppose that it must be as frustrating for them as for their supporters. Anyway, we have a couple of weeks off before Wimbledon.
I went to a local nursery and managed to find what we call Harebells in South Africa - Dierema. They are given some extraordinary name like Fairy Wands or some such name here. They are so attractive. I remember going to a flower show at Caledon which is a wonderful centre for indigenous flowers in the Western Cape. There were displays of Harebells there that took one's breath away. I have the first flowers on my Philadelphus. I do not think that they are as fragrant as I thought they were going to be. Also some wonderful blooms on my Oriental poppies. But they do not like the wet weather. I wonder if you ever went out to the Mazoe Valley when the citrus orchards were in flower.? I did once and I have never forgotten the totally overwhelming blanket of perfume which engulfed one as one drove along the road. It was totally unforgettable. But I imagine that citrus orchards all over the world must be the same. I have been reading the news from both Zim and Malawi. It is all so sad.
I wonder how your friend is setting about trying to find a property in Provence? I could do with a few tips. I have not been onto any news of any excavations lately. I wonder what Robinsons's background is? Do you know.? Well my dear, this is a rather dull letter. Keep well and don't work too hard cutting the grass. Your affectionate friend AR1 smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 27

LL Waz

Hi AR, any more news on whether you need to move? It must be very unsettling not knowing. I can see why Social Services might want previous carers to make a clear break if they are taking over but I'd question whether it justifies requiring you to move in this way. All I can say is that if it does come to moving I hope it's to somewhere where it benefits you as well.

I know my friend uses the internet to look for properties and she gets distracted by adverts of wood for sale - which she'd prefer to spend her savings on smiley - smiley. She has also contacted local estate agents and they send details of anything suitable that comes up.

I haven't watched much tennis for some years now, work gets in the way! I used to. In fact I've even been to Wimbledon. In Bjorn Borg's days - that's how long ago. We used to go in the late afternoon and watch at the outside courts when we lived in New Malden for a couple of years. I saw some very good tennis.

What about the football, are you watching that? It's difficult not to get caught up in it a bit even though I know too little to appreciate the game.

We did go to Mazoe dam but not ever when the citrus blossom was out smiley - sadface. I remember buying pockets of oranges at the side of the road the taste of which has never been matched since. Also seeing very large, hairy orange caterpillars on the trees by the dam. Did you ever see those? - I've been unable to identify them. The news fron Zimbabwe and Malawi is sad - and Malawi seemed to be doing so well for a while.

All I know of Tony Robinson's background is his acting as the sidekick to Rowan Atkinson in the Blackadder series. I got the impression during the first Time Team series that he had very little archeological knowledge - he's learnt a lot since.

Well I'm off to try and make the front garden look presentable. We have a garden trail in the village next Sunday. My garden isn't in it but I don't want to disgrace the rest of the village in front of all the garden critics who will be wandering around. The grass is cut but there's a lot of weeding to do. And I need to cut the periwinkle and honeysuckle back so that I can continue to see out the front windows.

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 28

Also ran 1

My dear Waz smiley - smiley
Thank you for your nice newsy letter. I hope that you managed to get the lawn cut and that the garden walk was a success. What a nice idea. We do not even have a garden club in my town!!.
It seems that it is the policy of the Soc.Services to only have one "boss" so to speak. which is ridiculous. When one has cared for someone for as long as most people do, it is sensible that they have a better view of what the person is capable of. anyway, as I have said that I could no longer do all the caring I suppose that I should have expected it. At the moment though there does not seem to be much change except that I am no longer being informed about things!!
I have decided to quietly forget about moving for the moment and try and get my flat which has so much mould growing on the walls it is not true, into a fit state. I have so many friends here, and it is so central that lots of people have time to drop in which is great.
A friend came the other day and when she saw that I was in a wheelchair all the timne said that she felt that I SHOULD have a ramp to get out of the flat in case of fire. I think that is a fantastic argument and it means that I can also go out into my garden without having to have help to get out of the front door. which at the weekend is not very frequent!!.
I had a great time gardening the other day and was thrilled to see some eidelweiss that I had bought at a local nursery growing like mad. Wonderful.
I send you warm greetings. AR1smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 29

LL Waz

HI AR1, Hmmm edelwiess, that's nice. I'm still working on getting my garden back under control. Then maybe I can find some space for some new plants. I'd like some yellow, welsh poppies or a rock rose would be nice. The garden trail is tomorrow, it will be a success if the weather's ok. I know because I had a preview last night, since I'll be occupied in the village hall tomorrow, and the gardens on the trail are beautiful. I think my favourite was the one across the road from me where they are developing their own wild flower meadow. The trail is a fundraiser for the hall by the way, we don't have a garden club here either!

'One boss' is easier, but to disregard the value of previous carer's knowledge is daft. And you should definitely have a ramp - can you ask Social Services smiley - smiley? You might as well get some benefit from them as well as the hassle they are giving you.

I got the front garden looking presentable - I now off to harvest the back lawn smiley - biggrin.

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 30

Also ran 1

Hi Wazsmiley - smiley Hope that garden trail was a great success. I bought four delphiniums at a garden sale and am perfectly astonished to find that one is nearly eight feet tall and a marvellous shade of gentian blue. The flowers are single but on such a tall spire are quite beautiful The lilies are also out and I put a packet of freesias in a pot and they are all flowering. The problem is that I cannot get out of the house without help as I cannot get down the step. So my kind brother has said that not only must I have a ramp fitted but that I must also have my flat re-decorated and my kitchen re-furbished. So now I do not have to worry about finding somewhere else to live!!.
I am SO distressed about events in Zim. I know that land distribution could have happened at a faster rate but I do think that in the process the economy is never going to recover. I just do not know what to write to my friends who are still there.
I love the idea of a wild flower garden. But one must have quite a lot of land for that. Have you got an electric mower? I would have loved to have gone to Birmingham for the NEC flower show. I remember the Shrewsbury show which was always magnificent.
Have you joined the United Friends? It is such a friendly group of people. I must fly now. Have a good day AR1 smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 31

LL Waz

The garden trail was a great day, the weather was good and we had around 130 people wandering around the village visiting gardens. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. I envy you your delphiniums. I love their blue colours. I have too many slugs to grow them. I have tried to avoid using slug pellets on any great scale and have a population explosion of slugs and snails. Isaw recently that slugs dislike caffeine, maybe I'll try spraying coffee instead. My lawn mower runs on a 100% renewable energy source. Me! smiley - smiley.

I'm glad you don't have to worry about moving anymore. Are Social Services still going to help with your son though? I hope so.

A couple who come to my Scottish dancing club have finally returned to the UK for good. It was a very hard decision for them, but they are lucky to be able to return here. They said food was getting short and there are people left there trying to live on pensions which are now worth very little. It's very sad. I hope there will be a change once the land distribution issue can no longer be used as a distraction. Anything is going take a long time to make a difference though. It's so hard to imagine the country as I knew it now facing starvation. It really is.

I haven't checked out the United Friends page, I'll take a look later,
Take care, Waz

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 32

Also ran 1

Hi dear Wazsmiley - rose
Your village garden trail sounds like a great success. I loved your description of the energy you use for your lawn mower!!. I do not know if Soc. Services are going to do anything to help. They certainly have not been near us since they gave me the information of my having to go. Anyway my darling brother has said I can redo my flat so I am planning a new kitchen which will be specially for wheelchairs or rather people who are disabled. I have lots of ideas like having little "flaps" under each working space that I can pull out and place things on them. I have so little working space in the kitchen. I would also like a new stove and a spanking new fridge. My bedroom is going to be shot of most of the furniture. I cannot get to use the drawers in the chest of drawers so out it is going. I prefer NOT to look at myself in the mirror and the dressing table takes up a lot of room so out it is going.Plus several of the bookshelves. I am debating what sort of bed to have because I find it extremely difficlt to move in bed. But I have a wonderful mattress which does not fit a single bed and is just a shade too small for a 4'6" bed. So I think I shall have a sort of "monkey-rope" thing fitted above the new bed. I am also going to have a ramp fitted outside my front door so that I can go out by myself. It gets sometimes a little tedious when I cannot step out when I want to. Anyway all exciting new projects.
I have loved reading your input into the cocoa question. Are you a member of the Fairtrade organisation? I have been following the formation of the the African Union in Durban on the Internet. There has been nothing about it in the local papers. Today there is a very good entry all about our sad country. My friend has emailed me and for the first time in her life does not have enough money to last the month. Power corrupts but absolute powers corrupts absolutely. And that goes for everybody who abuses it. Oh dear.
Have a good weekend my dear. Happy gardening. AR1 smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 33

LL Waz

Hi AR1, a new kitchen? That sounds like fun to plan. My mother and I are experts at putting up kitchen units. I helped her with hers and she helped me with mine. And if anyone tries to take those cupboards out they'll bring the walls down! We didn't trust the little fixings that came with the units and got our own. Great three inch long, quarter of an inch thick bolts!

I'm not a member of any fairtrade organisation but I do support Traidcraft Exchange and buy what fairtrade products I can. I thought Hoovooloo had a point about whether you could always rely on organic 'quality control' but for me its a question of supporting the idea. The same goes for fairtrade. It must be a drop in the ocean economically speaking but I believe in the principle.

I saw the news about the African Union on the BBC's web page. And then came across a very sceptical report on it in the Arusha Times (which is quite fun to read). I don't know what to say about your friend. The whole situation there is unthinkable. Is she able to leave?

Did you see the story today about the refusal of GM food aid? I don't like the idea of GM crops, I don't think it's been 'proved' to be safe any better than they 'proved' nuclear power to be safe back in 60's, or whenever it was they started building nuclear power stations. But to choose between GM food and starvation?

This is getting depressing, I'll stop. You hoped I'd have a good weekend. I did, a very good one in fact. My sister plus family, and my brother were here. We played hockey with tennis rackets, went for walks on the moss and the sandstone way and had treasure hunts. One of these was by moonlight, out in the garden with candles. Ever tried climbing a sweet chestnut tree, or searching through a heap of catmint for a clue by candlelight? Great fun smiley - star and very smiley - moon atmospheric smiley - crescentmoon. smiley - smiley
I hope your weekend was as good and that this one will be.

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 34

Also ran 1

Dear Waz,smiley - rose
It seems as if I have not heard from you for ages. I met your friend Hoovooloo and his partner at the summer meet. If you look for the photographs that Gnoman took you will find an excellent one of the two of them.
I do not know what to think about GM crops. I keep wondering about tomatoes. It seems to me that they last much longer than they used to and that they have a great many more seeds in them now. WHY? Could they be GM plants. When I see the devastation that bugs create in Africa with the crops I wonder how any of them (the crops) could survive unless they used insecticides. And of course fertilisers bcause there simply is not enough organic fertilisers to go around. I remember my gardening experiences in Zim. I would plant out a whole lot of seedlings, put their cardboard caps on them to protect them from the fierce sun whilst they were geting established. The next morning I would find every single one chomped at ground level by cut worms. I know that if one practices crop rotationn that helps control the goggas(!!), but it is difficult to do this when you only have a small patch of ground.
My friend says she is unable to get out. I have just had an email from her son. He is still trying to make a go of it as a civil engineer. I admire their guts. I really do.
Your weekend sounds fun. How marvellous to have your family round you. I did find Shrewsbury so friendly, and I was really very happy when I was living there. I have offered to lend my computer to a visiting padre who wants to do some typing so must end quite soon. I send you my warm affectionate greetings. AR1 smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 35

LL Waz

Hi AR1, I do seem to be taking ages to get back to people these days. It doesn't seem long, then I find a week's gone by. I don't have the temerity to call Hoovooloo a friend - I don't know him really. That may have been the first time we've spoken I think, although I've seen a lot of his postings. I checked the photos. You were there too! It looked fun, did you go on to the pub?

I tried planting seeds once in Zimbabwe. A dozen packets and nothing came except zinnias. Which I hated. They were so stiff. I didn't try again. We did get some veg to grow 'tho. Really pampered plants in raised beds with thatched roofs put over them when the sun got too strong. And watered morning and evening. We had a cape gooseberry too and a Grenadilla. Very nice smiley - smiley. Also half a dozen mulberry trees. Excellent for climbing.

I hope your friend and her son manage. Seeing the Zimbabwe team at the commonwealth games brought tears to my eyes. I was really pleased to see them there. Did you see the girl win a gold medal swimming for Zim the other day? It was good to see.

Must go, it's late, I'm only here because I'm still wound up from swimming this evening. Waz

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 36

Also ran 1

Hi dear Waz,
I meant to write to you over the weekend, but felt proper poorly on Saturday and spent the day in bed. Not very comfortably. but I have ordered a fantastic new tilt bed which is Sooooo comfortable that instead of being agony to sleep it is really going to be great. the only problem is that it is not going to be here for about six weeks. It is a single bed and I have not slept in a single bed since I was 21!!. I think I shalll fall out of it and am wonderfing how I can ensure that I do not!.
I wonder if you have seen the celestial lights. I would love to and in virtual life I am on Haiti and Englander's verandah drinking smiley - bubbly and having a high old time. In RL I shall have to peer through my curtains trying to see something. Oh dear! Virtual life is far more exciting!.
I am in total agreement with you about zinnias. I really think that they are horrid plants - and I do not say that about many plants. I presented a gardening programme on TV in Zim. And that was fun, because whenever I knew something had to be done, and I did not know how to do it I used to find the nearest expert and interview him/her about that subject. My worst moment was when I arranged to have a visiting floral artist judge on my programme and she was deaf!!.
My Japanese anemones are beginning to flower as is a white aganpanthus. I would never plant them in Africa, but I have a miniature blue one and now this big white one. A friend asked me what sort of onion it was - the head looks something like an onion seedhead (using a lot of imagination). I must go to my RL bed now. Keep well. So you swim at night. I have not swum for ages. an affectionate smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 37

LL Waz

Good evening AR1, Sorry to hear you weren't well. I hope it didn't last long. Have you worked out how not to fall out of the bed yet? I was worried when I was on the top bunk going over to France on the ferry a while ago. There was no need - I didn't sleep! But I don't recommend that solution.

I didn't see any shooting stars smiley - sadface. There was a haze here when I checked and nothing to be seen. What I'd dearly love to see is the aurora - I keep hoping every time I go up to Scotland but nothing yet. I'm going to Tiree on Saturday, for a week, so maybe this time. There's so little light pollution there that the milky way is quite stunning if you get a clear night. I did see the total eclipse in 1999 however. I went over to France with a couple of friends(surviving that top bunk I was talking about) and watched it from a corn field at the top of some cliffs. It was an amazing experience.

"My worst moment was when I arranged to have a visiting floral artist judge on my programme and she was deaf!!." smiley - laugh What happened? Did you have to make it up? I'm so glad to find someone who agrees about zinnias by the way.
My garden is heading for autumn already. The crab apples look just about ready to pick. I have two small trees, one with dark red round fruit and the other a John Downie with beautiful yellow and orange apples. I have a lot of fruit this year. Lots of damsons and the apple tree proper has more than I've ever seen on it before.

Well I need an early night, I've had so much hassle today trying to sort out trains and bed & breakfasts etc. My car is out of action and they've virtually closed the railway down south of Glasgow at the weekends for repairs. I can get up to Oban to catch the Tiree ferry ok but the timetable for getting back is to get off the ferry in Oban at 14.10, Glasgow at 18.45 and Crewe, (my nearest station), at 13.51 the following day!

Keep well, don't drink too much smiley - bubbly on the verandah and fall out of bed.

Waz (maybe smiley - surfering next week smiley - biggrin- tho' not standing up like that!)

House-sitting & excavations!

Post 38

Also ran 1

Very dear Wazsmiley - rose
Lovely to hear from you. And where, pray, is Tiree? It sounds like an island. What a lovely break for you. Obviously there are some new smileys which I do not know. the (cannot find the smiley and do not want to lose another letter!) one is very good. I know Crewe. It is an important junction I seem to remember.
Crab apples. Now my dear, before you go away will you please make some crab apple jelly and enter into the stall for preserves at Titanias Harvest Festival which she is organising this weekend. It is so quick to make virtual crab apple jelly and you may win a wonderful prize. Think how happy that would make you.!!
This is just a brief note to wish you a very happy RL holiday and hope you have a wonderful rest. With an affectionate smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Welcome home

Post 39

Also ran 1

Hi dear Wazsmiley - rose
This is just a quick welcome back note. I hope that you ahd a fabulous holiday and lots of smiley - surfering In a hurry and speak to you soon. a fond smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Welcome home

Post 40

LL Waz

Thanks for the welcome back, that was nice to come back to. Tiree is an island, it's one of the inner Hebridean islands and very beautiful. There's a picture here of one of the beaches we went to, one where I did do some smiley - surfering. I caught a few good rides on the waves and I nearly got drowned by one I wasn't watching! I also went wind surfing. I've never done that before but enjoyed it a lot. Even falling off the board into the loch! Several times!

Tiree is about space, sky, sea, sand, wind and birds. For a holiday maker anyway. It's a fair bit tougher to live there I think. Gardening would be just about impossible. The wild flowers were lovely though, even this late in the summer.

I'm lucky to live fairly close to Crewe as rail travel is fairly difficult here other than via Crewe. My car has been out of action and I've been having fun (?) playing with rail timetables smiley - headhurts and trains.

I missed the harvest festival, did it go well? Did you put anything in?

Looks like you've found the new smilies. I love this one smiley - bus. I'm thinking of asking for a train one after this last fortnight.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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