This is the Message Centre for Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I had a bit of trouble finding you smiley - laugh

And I note that you haven't got your badge yet - never mind .... soon, I'm sure smiley - biggrin

Just a note to Welcome you to the ranks of the ACEs smiley - cheers

When I started I found <./>A573833</.> So you Want to be a good Ace - to be a really good place to start as it sets out the "conventions" that we use.

BTW - You’ll find the Welcomes for Sense of Place and 360 at <./> A726419</.>

I have made a "Hints and Links for New Researchers" page at <./>A719840</.> you are more than welcome to use it at any time for your Welcomes if you find that it’s useful.

If I can help in any way just drop me a line smiley - biggrin

smiley - peacedove

PS - loved your journal entry about the senior citizens and the poetry - it must have been a really amazing experience smiley - biggrin

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 2

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

Hey Feisor how ya doin?
I saw your email on the aceforum list (Missing Researcher?)
Did you get my reply? smiley - laugh
No ACE badge yet, but thanks for the welcome, and the links.
I'll check them out when I can.
The poetry experience was absolutely fabulous.
Gotta go, talk later...

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Yep - got your reply smiley - biggrin That's how I found you smiley - laugh

Talk later ........

smiley - cheers

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 4

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

smiley - laugh
Thank goodness I noticed your email...
smiley - winkeye
Yeah, the poetry thing was a lot of fun, mostly because it was very relaxed and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. I did it as part of a community service project required by my school, which had me doing other things as well. I enjoyed them, I guess, but I'll admit it was somewhat grudgingly, because I *had* to do them. The poetry, however, was *my* idea; I just counted it toward the service project because I needed the hours. I don't think I've ever had the same sense of fulfillment I got sharing a little bit of simple joy with a small group of people, simply by reading a poem and discussing it with them. It was amazing...something I would definitely want to experience again!
How have you been?

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 5

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

All fine here smiley - biggrin Just busy with w*rk and stuff smiley - yikes

It's a shame more people don't realise how rewarding that sort of volunteer work can be ....
A few years ago I was in a high pressure job and, to offset the job I took on some volunteer work at a children's hospital - it was so rewarding that I believe it's what kept me (reasonably) sane during that time. They moved the hospital so I had to stop. I wish I had time now to do some volunteer work - maybe with Senior Citiens - but, as I'm working strange hours etc I'm afraid that it's not possible.

Maybe in the future ....

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 6

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

yeah, i really enjoy it and i'd love to just do it indefinitely
unfortunately, i really need to get a job over the summer
it's been driving me nuts because any job i could get would not be nearly as fulfilling, but i can't morally ask to be paid for this work, which i love

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 7

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

please don't forget to add me to the list on the drop-down menu

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 8

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

smiley - huh sorry that makes no sense
the drop down menu on the aces page

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 9

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

That's all in the hands of the italics - give them a bit of time they're quite busy (sometimes) smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

BTW - I blushed when I saw your note in the ACE group smiley - blush

Welcome New ACE Alexandra Marie Chaser

Post 10

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

smiley - laughsmiley - sillysmiley - hug
well, it *is* oddly appropriate...
smiley - winkeye

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