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Your Entry: Charm - sub-editor calling
h5ringer Started conversation Jan 11, 2013
Hi there Pheroneus. I'm sub-editing your Entry 'Charm'; you can find the edited version at A87777508. You should pop over there and subscribe so that you will be notified of any comments posted about the Entry in the future.
Almost all my sub-editing has been about layout and the addition of some links to other h2g2 Entries. Could you have a read through and let me know here if there is anything you are not happy with. As soon as you are happy, I can start the Entry on its path to the FP.
Thanks for contributing to the Guide
Your Entry: Charm - sub-editor calling
Pheroneous II Posted Jan 11, 2013
Please feel free to do whatever you see fit. I am perennially happy. P
Your Entry: Charm - sub-editor calling
Pheroneous II Posted Jan 15, 2013
(I haven't learnt to do acute accents, so bear with me) In French, should you wish to apologise, you might say 'desole', short for 'je suis desole' (or, feminine, 'desolee'). Strictly translated, that is "I am desolated' 'I am distraught' etc. but it expresses a great deal more than 'sorry'. It is an overblown and, perhaps, charming way of apologising. It has empathy, even though it may not express a truth.
Please don't worry about it, feel free to delete!
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Your Entry: Charm - sub-editor calling
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