This is the Message Centre for Zappgirl

Ti & Zapp

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hej!smiley - smiley

I thought it might be better to set up a separate thread for planning that micro meet of ours.

Preferrably sometime after the Manchester meetup next weekend, on my part.

Ti & Zapp

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

And regarding Centralen, did you read this story?

Ti & Zapp

Post 3


Speaking of birds, you know what, I love watching the pigeons! I have watched this couple over at my T, and they are too funny... the male is always arguing with the female... she is so totally in charge though...

Anyways smiley - smiley

I am going to California on feb 23, and I will be gone for a week, we would have to wait until after that cause I have a horrible cold right now smiley - sadface

Friday march 9? After work?

Ti & Zapp

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, somewhere around that, let's talk about it again later smiley - smiley

Ti & Zapp

Post 5


Have you been to meetups before? Whats it like?

Ti & Zapp

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

Exciting, especially if you have posted with the person/s for several years without ever knowing what they look like, or if they are truely as they have described themselves.

And it has always been a pleasure meeting them in RL (Real Life).

Kind and considerate, and ready to adapt themselves to whatever plans I might have.

Some years ago, I had a mini meet with Milla with her two kids, an old French lady (friend of Milla) and Beatrice (then living in Luxemburg).

We had supper on 'Sjöfartshotellets terrass': rimmad lax med dillstuvad potatis. It was a clear summer evening, with several air balloons up in the sky.

Beautiful view from up there but then, I'm slightly partial (I work for the company that owns the hotel).

French lady and Milla withdraw into the rooms at reduced rate I had managed to get them, while Bea and I moved on - to Gröne Jägaren on Södermalm. The guard at the entrance got soooo much nicer once I mentioned Bea was from the UK and living in Luxemburg working for the EU. Sheesh - some people!

We were lucky insofar that there were live troubadors that evening, with people repeatedly singing along. And we stayed there for the rest of the evening until they started playing the old Soviet national anthem. That's the signal for closing. And some folks were drunk enough to sing along with that too!smiley - biggrin

Ti & Zapp

Post 7


"they started playing the old Soviet national anthem. That's the signal for closing"

Hah! Thats hilarious! I love it smiley - smiley

Well I am glad you had a good time. I am not sure I can offer that kind of entertainment over at Centralen, but we will have a good time I am sure smiley - smiley

Ops, time to sleep...

Ti & Zapp

Post 8

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thinking some time next week for a mini meetup maybe? Once we've finished the 'bokslut' and I've recovered from a rather nasty cold (my back up ended up 'sjukskriven' with penicillin for a week, so no chance of me staying home to recuperate, I'm afraid).

Thking dragonqueen and Freedom might be available as well - dragonqueen is online reasonably often, but I haven't seen Freedom online for a long time, although I might have a still working e-mail address to her...

Ti & Zapp

Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

Or if you want to limit it to a micro-meet with just two people to begin with, that's OK with me.

Ti & Zapp

Post 10


Hi! I just got back from the US, literally just walked in the door like 30 minutes ago! Feels so good to be home, the sun was such a nice surprise, its such a pretty day smiley - smiley

How was the meeting in England? Was it in Manchester you said?

I dont mind whoever wants to show for a micro meet or whatever. The more the merrier right? I suppose you guys know eachother pretty well then?

Ti & Zapp

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

Saw you posting in Milla's journal, and realized that this thread had completely fallen out of my mind smiley - sorry

Maybe make it small the first time and then, if we can get hold of the others, make it bigger the next time?

Whereabouts do you hang out during office hours? I w*rk at the very northernmost end of Norrtullsgatan, although the address is Sveavägen, but the entrance is at Ynglingagatan... confusing, innit?

Ti & Zapp

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

And Manchester was great, I think there were 42 of us, which would make it one of the biggest meets ever. Lots of fun, lots of people, lots of hugs - and I won a book!

I hope you had a good time in the US?

Ti & Zapp

Post 13


Hi! Yes, I have been over in the US twice since then... its a long story, I have my man there for work, not for much longer though, he is done in november smiley - smiley which is also when we will have another baby smiley - smiley he is coming to Stockholm this upcoming week and I will spend two weeks seeing him as much as I can but after he is gone back again I would love to meet up! I am still taking classes up at SU but will be done at end of septemeber and I am planning to be home after that to prepare for the baby... so thats whats going on with me, in short. Whats your life like, are you married, single? Whats your world like? I am actually all alone tonight, just hanging out at my house.

Ti & Zapp

Post 14

Titania (gone for lunch)

Single, have been all my life - I think I might be a hermit at heart, at least in RL. On the other hand, I'm fairly social and get on well with all sorts of people. Have to, since I've w*rked in the hotel business for most of my life. But I've never been more social, or sharing thoughts and emotions, than here on h2g2. Because, in a sense, I feel safe here. Not that this specific site is free from trolls and other troublesome people, but I've made many friends here.

Ti & Zapp

Post 15


I am a sort of hermit myself... I have always followed my own path, and I dont have many friends. The few I have are not close either. But I have always needed romance smiley - winkeye and still do. I dont think I could ever stand being single very long. Hopefully I will get to keep him in my life until the end smiley - smiley that would be a priviledge for sure. I am also a very outgoing and social person, even though I often keep to myself. I have been working as a graphic designer before but now in the process to finish a degree in archival sciences... I know, it sounds flaky doesnt it? But its very interesting, my main area is history, but since I am having a baby now I wont finish in another 3 years! Oh well, life never gets finished... until its finished, lol!

Ti & Zapp

Post 16

Titania (gone for lunch)

A sexually transmitted disease
that has no cure
and always has a lethal outcome

Life smiley - winkeye

Ti & Zapp

Post 17


Hahahaaa! You know what, I didnt see the last line at first... and I was kind of startled and started wondering... then I got the "aha", its LIFE. Then I read the bottom line smiley - smiley

Good one, I am gonna use that.

Ti & Zapp

Post 18

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yeah, I quite like it myself, but I've no idea where I read it first...

There's an interesting article on being introvert/extrovert today in Svenska Dagbladet online:

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