This is the Message Centre for Ema - formerly Researcher 185964

Another welcome..

Post 1


Hello there and welcome to h2g2! smiley - bubbly

I've come to see your page because I'm an A.C.E. here at h2g2 - A.C.E.s are people who have nothing better to do with their time than zonk around greeting and welcoming other people. smiley - silly

If you want to make the smileys in messages - like smiley - sharksmiley - cheerupsmiley - nahnahsmiley - chicksmiley - cake - go here

Here is a page of useful links to get you started: - smiley

To change your nickname, click on the button marked "Preferences". smiley - hug

smiley - devilNiwt smiley - angel

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Another welcome..

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