This is the Message Centre for doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!)
Well Hello...
rosebud23 Started conversation Nov 5, 2001
I'ts me SARAH rosebud23
from the P/T, how are you hun??
how long have you been on h2g2
is'nt it great??
have a drink on me
to welcome you
Catch you soon TRACY
Well Hello...
doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) Posted Nov 6, 2001
hello there my darling. im great thanx and ive been using this for about a month. i am hoping my smiley faces work for me. this is a great site but i am still a bit disorientated. lmao never mind eh?
love tracy xxxxxx
Well Hello...
rosebud23 Posted Nov 9, 2001
How are you hun, i just love
the smiley's, i can't stop
doing them now
i'm still finding my way
around h2g2 but so far i think
it's magic
anyway hun catch you soon
Well Hello...
doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) Posted Nov 13, 2001
lol sarah i love em as well
here stop whizzing about and sit with me for a or
im sure u will feel alot better.
i was feeling the other day but today im feeling gr8
coz its getting close to xmas
c ya soon from tracy (doggymad)
Well Hello...
rosebud23 Posted Nov 14, 2001
Hello Tracy
Yes i will stop and have a
cup of as i love my
oohh why were you feeling
yes it's Christmas soon i love
Christmas, i love dressing
the and hopefully
get a few off
Lots of love
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