This is the Message Centre for doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!)

Help me- doggymad

Post 1

Janis B.

Hello, I'd of got back with you sooner if I could of worked out how to do it. What exactly it is you're confused over?

Help me- doggymad

Post 2

Janis B.

I guess you must have given up for the evening. Where do you live? Tell some thing about your self. Don't give up. Click on any thing that you see that may interest you and join in if you want to. Read the 'House Rules' tho'. This is a great place.

Help me- doggymad

Post 3

doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!)

sorry i never got back to you before i was unable to get into this. i am 20 years old. im from dundee in scotland. i was confused the other night as i kept leaving my space and when i came back my message was gone from my site. but obviously it was still there or you would not have repled. thanks for the concern. i will have a wander about it now and if i get stuck i will message you again. can you tell me a bit about yourself please.

Help me- doggymad

Post 4

Janis B.

Sure, I'm English but I live in Houston Texas. I get to go home at least once each year. Visit my Sister and friends and above all else to stock up on all the things that I can't bear to live with out. e.g TEA from Sainsbury's, stuff I can't get. I have my own business here. I take care of plants in office buildings and homes, and I design and construct elaborate decorations for my clients Christmas' or parties. What ever they want, they usually ask me first because some how I come up with some wild ideas. My accent helps too. I think it gives them a kick to have an english person working for them. I have a small house 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and 3 loos and what they call a loft. It's my office, only has half a wall and over hangs the stairs. My best friend lives in Milton Keynes. I always stay with her when I go over. I have a cousin who lives in Pennicuick near Glasgow. I'm an avid reader of mystery and legal dramas. I like gardening, beachcombing, travelling, driving, carpentry, cooking and DIY of course in my house. I'm a bit tight really. I dont see why pay some one if I can do it myself. I'll always have a go first and if all else fails - I'll read the instructions. If that fails, then I call the experts. On my computer I hang out mostly some where in England. That how I found h2g2. I have bbc as my home page. All the home pages are the same over here and pretty boring. It's good to go to the beeb and listen to the radio while I'm wandering about cyber space. I guess thats enough of my waffling. What about you?
Start looking around h2g2, go to 'who's on line' and check out whats going on. It's easy when you get the hang of it. If theres anything you need to know, just ask, some one will come to see you. Hope I get to talk to you again. Have a good time. See you.


Help me- doggymad

Post 5

doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!)

lol i will tell u as much as i can. if you go into my space u will see i have updated it to tell people who visit a bitty more about myself.

i have never been to America but ive always wanted to go. I am actually not on a pc im in my e mail. ome one actually sent me this site that way. im not sure if its legal though??
i love chat rooms loads, i use leisure district. if you ever fancy a nosy at it the address is [url removed by moderator] and there r americans and english people in there and its great. i dont get out to much because i have a very bad back. but for sanity sake i work 2 days a week as a barber which is great fun.

Its a little shop with only 3 barber chairs but it gives me chance to get creative. i love the feeling i get when i look at my haircuts when they leave.

i live in a 2 bedroom apartment near the feilds and i live there with my husband and 17 month old daughter.

i am trying to wander about at the moment and i am starting to love this.
hope to hear from you soon

Help me- doggymad

Post 6

Janis B.

Hi again doggymad, nice to see you're still here. You will learn pretty quick that you can't write web sites out side the beeb. The moderators make them vanish. It took me all week-end to find out why. This place is great isn't it. So totally confusing at first. I'm coming over to London again in 2-3 weeks. Can't wait, even if it is only for a week-end. I like chat rooms some, not too often tho. Send me that address would you. I think its OK to give you my address.We'll see. [email protected], see you around, have a good time.


Help me- doggymad

Post 7

doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!)

hello there jan, hows things going with you?
i have really got the hang of this now and i am wizzing around leaving my paw print wherever i go smiley - smiley

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