This is the Message Centre for Phoenix

Just a hello

Post 1

Casey *Go ECU Pirates :o) * Keeper of Love, Guardian Angel

Hey! I'm new to this site too, but wanted to send out a friendly hello to you. smiley - smiley

Just a hello

Post 2


Thanks! Hi to you to. Like you say, I'm new here, but my brothers been a reasercher for a while, so he can help me if I don't know what to do. Don't you think that h2g2 is a brilliant idea?

Just a hello

Post 3

Casey *Go ECU Pirates :o) * Keeper of Love, Guardian Angel

Just popped on for a second, but I've looked at this site because my friend uses it, and I thought it was pretty neat, so now I joined. smiley - smiley

Just a hello

Post 4


Do you have any ideas for articles yet? I have a few. Check back soon to see if they are here. I'll probably put them on this weekend!

Just a hello

Post 5

Casey *Go ECU Pirates :o) * Keeper of Love, Guardian Angel

I haven't thought of anything for articles yet. I'm a little slow with that. It's been a busy weekend, but hopefully I will think of some stuff to post, and get them up by the end of this week. smiley - smiley

Just a hello

Post 6


So, maybe I won't get them on tell the end of this week too. I don't know. It's my brother's b'day tomorrow and mine on Wenesday, so I don't know.

Just a hello

Post 7

Casey *Go ECU Pirates :o) * Keeper of Love, Guardian Angel

Well happy birthday to both of you. smiley - smiley

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