Journal Entries
Posted Mar 29, 2002
Last night was Maundy Thursday, and I visited a monastery.... It was beautiful. I don't even know how to describe it. Everything was quiet and the incense was deeper than any fog I've seen in the past months.... It was absolutely beautiful. Amazing. It wasn't just because of what was going on in front of my eyes; there was also a feeling there.... Indescribable. Very peaceful. It was an amazing experience. I don't even know what else I can say, because everything is contained within a feeling that I can't express.... If you ever get a chance, take it up. Just to be there was spectacular.
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Latest reply: Mar 29, 2002
Posted Mar 18, 2002
I have at least three friends who are going through lots of stress and/or depression, and beyond worrying me, my reaction has just sorta been 'ahhh'. I'm really terrible with people, the more I think about it... I *know* that I've gotten a lot better in the past few years, but I --sometimes I don't think, y'know? And I end up regretting lots of stuff. Usually it gets worse when I've got lots of stress or whatever, so I am very happy right now that I have almost no stress. If I did, I think I would be having more problems than I do right now. Everything just seems to pile up, ends up exponentially bigger than it began. And my own mental health multiplies everything by 10.
Eh, I'll keep looking up... *apple falls from tree, hitting her*
*grin* Okay, so it isn't *that* bad...
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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2002
War on Terrorism
Posted Mar 10, 2002
There's nothing in particular that is triggering this barrage of thoughts, but that I've been trying to think of something to do about peace and always end up coming back to our *lack* of it. Like, why are we even in Afghanistan? Since when is it *our* problem to take care of them? Yeah.. That sounds really cold-hearted.. But really. The people we help are not the ones with power; the ones we hurt by being there are. Which means, powerful people hate us. Great place to be, when people with nuclear and whatever else kinds of weapons hate your country, eh?. Even more than Afghanistan, I am very scared of this "global war on terrorism", because it seems nothing more than a method to let Bush have more power, over more countries. He's saying, if *you* do not move to fight "terrorism" within your country, I will do it for you. But it is not his right; he is not that country's leader; those people did not choose him. And terrorism is an awfully small thing to be frightened of, really... I look at him and try to find motives, and all I see is that he wants power and he wants to show people his power.. And that is not what I look for in a wise president that will keep us out of trouble and safe. No one is looking for us to lead a fight against "terrorism", but people are going along with it. Oh... *sigh* I really don't want to die because some upset country bombed us for doing things that I don't even believe are justified... What happened to the isolationism after WWI? I could probably have made this a lot better and clearer, but as for now, I am just going to leave it as it is without even proof-reading, and try to think about nice happy things...
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Latest reply: Mar 10, 2002
Be Nice to Me--I Gave Blood Today! ;-)
Posted Feb 17, 2002
Hello all... I'm rather happy.. I gave blood this morning for the first time and ran into some problems, but I'm fine now. My veins didn't pop up like they wanted, to find the vein, and I'm not sure what happened then--the nurses thought perhaps the vein had collapsed, or perhaps that she hadn't stuck it (?). I had to wear a blood pressure cuff, but I bled decently once it got started.
I still feel a little funny; rather weak... Don't know. I got lightheaded sitting there; that's the first time I've been lightheaded for a while.
Anyway, I'm good and feeling very proud of myself.
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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2002
Sorry I haven't been around lately...
Posted Feb 4, 2002
Ditto the subject line.... I'm afraid some of you have been waiting for replies for days now--sorry. I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to get online... I'm hoping to get to ya'll today, but depending on the amount of backlog, it might take a while. Sorry again.
Pizza entry is edited!!!!
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Latest reply: Feb 4, 2002
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