This is the Message Centre for dodgem™
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deackie Started conversation Oct 6, 2001
Is there room on that sofa for another one? Oo, anything good on telly? *settles down with hot mug of *
Welcome to h2g2 My name is deackie and I'm an ACE (assistant community editor), one of the merry band of volunteers who meet and greet new researchers and provide any assistance if it's needed.
h2g2 can seem a little overwhelming at first so my advice is to have a look around to get a feel of the place and join in some conversations to meet people. If you haven't already looked at it, check out the Welcome page it's a good place to start. Another good way to get a feel of the community is to look at other researchers' personal spaces. If you click on the 'Who's Online' button you can click on any of the researchers' names and visit their space.
If you need any help feel free to ask. You can either reply to this posting by clicking on the reply button below or visit my personal space by clicking on my name at the top of this posting. I'm usually around either drinking and eating
or quaffing
Budge up...
dodgem™ Posted Oct 6, 2001
Thanks deackie, I've got some in the fridge, I'l just go and get it. No, nothing good on telly. Like your ACE badge, by the way! I gotta get me one o'those one day!
Budge up...
deackie Posted Oct 6, 2001
My favourite. There never is anything good on telly. Oh well, we'll have to stay on h2g2 chatting instead
They're always looking for volunteers, it might not be too long before you get yourself a badge. The homepages for the ACEs, Gurus and Scouts all give the info on what they do. I should mention the Guardian Angels too who do loads of meeting, greeting and making the site a friendly place to be.
Budge up...
dodgem™ Posted Oct 7, 2001
Mmm. I looked at the pages, and also at the posts. Seems as if I need to wait a month or so before I try to be an Ace!
Budge up...
deackie Posted Oct 7, 2001
Probably best to settle in and get to know the place first, there's plenty to do and get involved in. Have you had a look at the university? It's always looking for volunteers to help with projects You may find after a month or two that you'd rather not be an ACE but do something else equally useful. If you're looking for places to get involved in, the h2g2 Post has a page of clubs and societies
Budge up...
dodgem™ Posted Oct 8, 2001
What's to say I have to stick with one? Whoami?, for example, is all four! Don't think I'll be aiming for that, but possibly something!
Budge up...
dodgem™ Posted Oct 8, 2001
Oops. Looks like I was impersonating Whoami?, didn't it. What happened was that my computer went ape and I clicked the button mid-post. THis was what was supposed to happen!
Whoami? must be a *very* busy person!
Budge up...
threesecondmemory Posted Jan 18, 2002
"Oops. Looks like I was impersonating Whoami?, didn't it. What happened was that my computer went ape and I clicked the button mid-post. THis was what was supposed to happen!
Whoami? must be a *very* busy person!"
Made me . Bad cover-up!
Budge up...
deackie Posted Jan 20, 2002
I realised it was Whoami? posting but didn't find out why until after the entry was posted giving all the details He's never spoken to me since this conversation either so *must* be a very busy person. I feel used; he doesn't write, doesn't phone, what's a girl supposed to think?
Key: Complain about this post
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- 1: deackie (Oct 6, 2001)
- 2: dodgem™ (Oct 6, 2001)
- 3: deackie (Oct 6, 2001)
- 4: dodgem™ (Oct 7, 2001)
- 5: deackie (Oct 7, 2001)
- 6: dodgem™ (Oct 8, 2001)
- 7: dodgem™ (Oct 8, 2001)
- 8: dodgem™ (Oct 8, 2001)
- 9: threesecondmemory (Jan 16, 2002)
- 10: deackie (Jan 17, 2002)
- 11: threesecondmemory (Jan 18, 2002)
- 12: deackie (Jan 20, 2002)
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