This is the Message Centre for DrStrangelove

Ahoy there, DrStrangelove...

Post 1


Thank you for the friendly greeting to your personal space and welcome to h2g2. I'm deackie, one of the volunteer ACEs who meet and greet new researchers and offer any help if it's wanted.

h2g2 can seem a little overwhelming at first so my advice is to have a look around to get a feel of the place and join in some conversations to meet people. If you haven't already looked at it, check out the Welcome page it's a good place to start. Another good way to get a feel of the community is to look at other researchers' personal spaces. If you click on the 'Who's Online' button you can click on any of the researchers' names and visit their space.

Smileys are a smiley - cool way to brighten up postings and guide entries. The smiley list can be found at or you can click on any smiley and it will take you to the code smiley - biggrin

If you need any help feel free to ask. You can either reply to this posting by clicking on the reply button below or visit my personal space by clicking on my name at the top of this posting. I'm usually around either drinking smiley - tea and eating smiley - chocsmiley - cake or quaffing smiley - ale

deackie smiley - smiley

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Ahoy there, DrStrangelove...

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