This is the Message Centre for EastlakeJ

Just in case...

Post 1

Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady

Hello. Just realised that the BBC are changing their rules on quoting (see - flyhismiley - magic Signed, Nightshade

Just in case...

Post 2

Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady

I also noticed that there aren't any links to your Guide Entries on your page. Could you put some in? smiley - magicsmiley - flyhi

Just in case...

Post 3

Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady

I'll send you the code. It's quite easy- you just insert the relevent website. smiley - flyhismiley - winkeyesmiley - magic Signed, Nightshade.

Just in case...

Post 4

Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady

smiley - huh Still can't see any conversations on your page. The browser has recovered, though. smiley - bluebutterfly Nightshade

Just in case...

Post 5

Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady

Found an article in Peer Review by Mark Moxon about Crowded House. is the link. smiley - bluebutterfly

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