This is the Message Centre for tom
British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh....... Started conversation Aug 16, 2002
tom Posted Aug 16, 2002
Hi Aid
I don't think you've got the right guy, sorry
Hey whaddever don't worry
You're going to be speaking to a lot of folk you don't know on H2G2
It's like being a kid with the keys to the toyshop. So many places and fascinating stuff in each of them Some of it is
and some
but enjoy finding out.
There is a bit on the front page for new folk to give a welcome and The Post is the online local paper which is like all local papers - You think there's nothing in it but you can't miss it or you wont know what's going on
Enjoy !
Come back and let me know what you've found. There's so much you're bound to find fascinating stuff hardly anyone else knows about.
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